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What's up guys! Been playing this for about a week now and couldn't be happier. This game is the dream pokemon game I thought I'd never get to play. Though it's missing some things from my dream pokemon game it's pretty much near perfect! I also got my brother to play it and he hates mmo games so that's saying something. I'm glad to say that I am here to stay and especially for the Heonn region that's coming up! I always played free mmo games and never ever liked subscribing to any but this was an absolute exception! So I'm a PRO member now and more happy to announce that I will be creating a guild... as soon as I get 100 hours in and $400,000 pokedollars saved up.


Also just wanted say that I posted up a few Youtube videos of me playing through the game and I stream this game on twitch! I'm doing giveaways at every 50 followers on twitch and announce when I do the giveaways on my twitter so if any of you are interested go ahead and follow me on twitch, twitter, and subscribe to my Youtube :D


Youtube: bengerman777

Twitter: @BENGERMAN777

Twitch: twitch.tv/bengerman777


Thanks to all of you who created this freakin awesome game and thanks to all the players for supporting it! Hope to catch you guys in the game later on today!

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