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174345 Can someone explain how to manaege a guild?


like all commands....how to make a good guild img....how to manage in general




/gcreate = to make a guild (only leader)

/gleave = to leave from the guild (all member)

/gmotd = to fill the motd guild / guild description (only leader)

/ginvite <Name> = Invite someone to the guild - (leader only)


You can also edit the guilds emblem at the guild building in Saffron


Check out PRO's Official Discord:




/gcreate = to make a guild (only leader)

/gleave = to leave from the guild (all member)

/gmotd = to fill the motd guild / guild description (only leader)

/ginvite <Name> = Invite someone to the guild - (leader only)


You can also edit the guilds emblem at the guild building in Saffron



that's all?


nothing more?

[glow=yellow]My new Johto team:[/glow]




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