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Reduce CD on bosses through membership


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So i have seen more suggestions stating this and it gets shutdown by staff really quickly, also arnie comes up and say the 2 weeks CD is based on popular MMO's.


here's the idea.

membership reduces the CD by 1 week on all bosses except naero who apparently already gets this (aussiegamer19 told me this in IRC so i cant say how viable this is)


on a second note as to why it should be 1 week instead of in general.


2 weeks is a bit long and nearly no popular MMO uses 2 weeks as a cooldown on raids (popular MMO term bosses hard levels/bosses)

Final Fantasy 14 which is quite popular does not even have a CD on big bosses only thing happens is less exp for dungeons but items remain the same.

World of Warcraft which is probably the most popular MMO uses a 1 week CD on it's raids.


another note as to counter arguement people make as too why its 2 week CD is that it would destroy the rarity of certain pokemons.

no it would not, here is to why, it's stil random as to you even receive a pokemon as a reward.

people receive useless items all the time and have to wait 2 weeks for a next attempt.


also enlightning the 1 week for members thing.

it would increase the number of members when people learn about this change, and it would'nt make it pay2win either as it's 100% random if you get anything usefull or not so it would only reduce the wait time not the rarity.

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Here"s the issue with this:


The way the wait time function is checked, it is dependant on a set value to check. If we put multiple wait times (as is currently on Naero's boss, we cannot show cooldown times.


Also, due to the addition of more bosses in the future, and the monetary gains from some, this will most likely increase money output by up to 50% through bosses.


So, unfortunately although you put forward a valid case, this will unlikely happen.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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