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Cooldown time Boss


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Its just a suggestion but I think 2 weeks of cooldown is too long.

Why we need to battle all the week all the trainers but we need to wait 2 weeks for battle the boss ? The game is a beta and crash is very disappointed when you are fighting a boss with 2 weeks of cooldown.

I think two weeks waiting is too long, one week will give the player wanted to come back regularly.

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I disagree. In my opinion the 2 week cooldown time is fine. The possible rewards (unique, not catchable Pokemon like rotom, timbur or riolu) are way too good to throw them on the server regularly. In other MMO you even have to compete with other players to even have a chance to fight bosses at all. Furthermore there are more then enough bosses. Just fight one boss each day and you'll have enough to do.

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That topic has been discussed over and over. Bosses are supposed to drop rare and useful rewards. There's no point in getting such once a week or even more often. This is a MMO, things take its time unlike in handheld editions.

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179253 2 weeks is too long for me, as i said in my main post one week will give the player wanted to come back regularly. When i begin on blue the serveur was full all the days, now I don't see the serveur full since a long time.

Bosses are meant to be end-game content anyways. I'm pretty sure the people that are not playing anymore are not the players with 250+hours played. And if you stop playing just because you can't fight bosses 24/7, an MMO isn't really the right type of game for you, in that case you should stick to the handheld games and farm everything in 2-3 days. As mentioned a thousand times before, this is end-game content and in an MMO this stuff is supposed to be VERY hard to optain. In my opinion it would really suck to see every 2nd person with a rotom or loreleis Winter set. It just wouldn't be any special anymore.

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At first I shared same idea but realized u got 15(or something like that bosses). When Hoenn opens that number will only increase. Dont do all bosses in 1 day. For example, on weekend 1 do Kanto, and next week do Johto. 2 weeks is trade off to having big number of late game bossss.

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This has been suggested a few times, however previously the idea was declined. This is due to the MMO nature of the game, the 2 week cooldown being reduced would double or even triple boss-reward Pokemon/items within the game and thus massively impacting the economy of the game as said currently rare Pokemon will become more and more common.


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there is currently 22 bosses ingame, and will be at least 5 more when hoenn opens, and more when i get around to adding them.


also, bosses give money so we wont be having double the influx of money just because people want to battle them sooner.


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