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Hello my team of lovelies :) it is a beautiful day outside! Make sure to love one another and always keep a smile on your face! :Angel: :Smile: :Grin:




-Check out the suggestions page for (naming pt. 2) where I posted my foolproof idea on naming pokemon in the comments. Let me know what you think ^.^


  Domonoco said:
46048 Hello my team of lovelies :) it is a beautiful day outside! Make sure to love one another and always keep a smile on your face!



-Check out the suggestions page for (naming pt. 2) where I posted my foolproof idea on naming pokemon in the comments. Let me know what you think ^.^

Its' cold outside for meh :Cry: not beautiful.

Anyway give me your suggestion link :Grin:

Sorry late reply~ checked post late. :Angel:

Haha I wish it was cold! and why yes here is the link https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=46390#p46390. Take a look at it maybe comment on it too :).



Also as an edit to anyone who saw my unedited post im not salty anymore. I realized that there was some confusion on what was said in the suggestion topic. Looks to me like this idea of mine has not been rejected yet. I hope they consider this! #IWantNaming2015


  Domonoco said:
46398 Haha I wish it was cold! and why yes here is the link https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=46390#p46390. Take a look at it maybe comment on it too :).



Also as an edit to anyone who saw my unedited post im not salty anymore. I realized that there was some confusion on what was said in the suggestion topic. Looks to me like this idea of mine has not been rejected yet. I hope they consider this! #IWantNaming2015

Meh I don't. Also thanks for the link Domo. I see and read that topic already. I'll comment later about it.

[glow=crimson]Sorry if I haven't stay on Pro so long and short timing because I'm still taking care myself.

I'm not feeling well as I thought I would be better.

Few playing on ACNL, Pokemon Y/AS and League too.

I been resting all day long; the horror!

I'll get on Pro at Noon or 5pm at my time Eastern.

Since I'm still babysitting my baby cousin 4am thru 5-6pm alone at home,

kinda ruin my sleep pattern; oh well.[/glow]


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