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Hi so everything is in the title, I think it would be awesome if the server had an auction house to sell pokémons, it would be so much easier for ppl looking for something particular. The way I see it to find what you're looking for there would be some filter to choose like the type( normal, fight ghost, ...) , the nature( calm, modest, adamant, ...) and the IV ( 1->31) for example to find what you're really looking for. You could also directly type the name of the pokemon to find this one in particular.

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180100 Hi so everything is in the title, I think it would be awesome if the server had an auction house to sell pokémons, it would be so much easier for ppl looking for something particular. The way I see it to find what you're looking for there would be some filter to choose like the type( normal, fight ghost, ...) , the nature( calm, modest, adamant, ...) and the IV ( 1->31) for example to find what you're really looking for. You could also directly type the name of the pokemon to find this one in particular.


It has been confirmed that something like this is already in the works. Seen as the staff are aiming to release Hoenn soon I assume they will start work on other projects like the auction house later.


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