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I see no one suggested it yet, but I would like if Synchronize worked even if the Synchronizer is fainted but first in the party, as it does in the handhelds.

This way we could train our Pokemon while also having the chance of encountering that rare Pokemon with a good nature (example Bagons/Dragonites in Dragon Den).

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i get what you mean like for fishing ''suction cups ability''... but they dont code how the abbilities will work...only to work as ability ingame or not. Nintendo has decided how the ability will work..what to do in battle or in wild. :/


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Originally, we didn't plan for synchronize to work outside of battle at all. We finally changed that after considering all of the variables which must align to get good Pokémon and the suggestions of the community, but we haven't been convinced to mimic the handheld design completely.


Think of it as a trade off for using the advantage.


Sig created by Annazhee

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I know it's a sort of trade-off, but could you at least make it 25% of probability of working if the Pokemon is fainted?

This way hunting with the Synchronizer would still be more beneficial.

Hope you take my suggestion in consideration, and thanks for the answer.

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Oh because I read it as synchronize to work which it does, but the second part of the suggestion, well lets just say I would defo love that xD. Is that because you wish to avoid say problems with pokemon that simply try to teleport away as soon as you switch? Because I can see that being used for that situation.

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