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Re: Deoxys quest bug


<t>I mean, i'm in the cave and all i see is people wandering around, having no idea where Rayquaza is.Not one or two people, i've actually seen over 10 people struggling with the same bug right in front of me.I just hope staff is trying to resolve this, i only made this post cause i was advised to explain in forums my personal situation, although i don't think they are gonna try to resolve each case individually.</t>


0hDUntI.png Kool

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Re: Deoxys quest bug


<r><QUOTE author="KKool"><s>

  KKool said:
</s><POST content="183193"><s></s>183193<e></e></POST> <SIZE size="150"><s></s><COLOR color="#FF4000"><s></s>Username:<e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE> KKool<br/>

<SIZE size="150"><s></s><COLOR color="#FF4000"><s></s>Server:<e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE> Blue<br/>

<SIZE size="150"><s></s><COLOR color="#FF4000"><s></s>Problem:<e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE> Could not see Rayquaza after beating Deoxys, nor could i do anything to the stone it left behind, ended up using escape rope on the moon, resulting in not being able to continue with the storyline and i cannot see the floating stone either.<br/>

No i did not look at the FAQ about this problem, i tried to resolve it by going back a few times and relogging a bunch of times, nothing changed.<br/>

Also i was advised by staff to: #1:contact IRC staff, which were nowhere to be found, #2: post in forums, what im doing right now.<br/>

I'd appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.<e>


See: <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=31140"><LINK_TEXT text="https://pokemonrevolution.net/Fo ... 82&t=31140">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=31140</LINK_TEXT></URL></r>

Re: Deoxys quest bug


<r><QUOTE author="Windypuff"><s>

  Windypuff said:
</s><POST content="183418"><s></s>183418<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="KKool"><s>
  KKool said:
</s><POST content="183193"><s></s>183193<e></e></POST> <SIZE size="150"><s></s><COLOR color="#FF4000"><s></s>Username:<e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE> KKool<br/>

<SIZE size="150"><s></s><COLOR color="#FF4000"><s></s>Server:<e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE> Blue<br/>

<SIZE size="150"><s></s><COLOR color="#FF4000"><s></s>Problem:<e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE> Could not see Rayquaza after beating Deoxys, nor could i do anything to the stone it left behind, ended up using escape rope on the moon, resulting in not being able to continue with the storyline and i cannot see the floating stone either.<br/>

No i did not look at the FAQ about this problem, i tried to resolve it by going back a few times and relogging a bunch of times, nothing changed.<br/>

Also i was advised by staff to: #1:contact IRC staff, which were nowhere to be found, #2: post in forums, what im doing right now.<br/>

I'd appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.<e>


See: <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=31140"><LINK_TEXT text="https://pokemonrevolution.net/Fo ... 82&t=31140">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=31140</LINK_TEXT></URL><e>



Yeah, thanks for bringing that up, it's actually the reason i made this post.Firstly, to inform staff about my <I><s></s>personal<e></e></I> situation, and secondly to see if there has been any progress in terms of resolving a major storyline bug.<br/>

And about talking to jackson again, it works fine, i can talk to him again after i use rope to go back, the game acts like nothing happened, though deoxys is gone(and so is the stone it leaves behind) and rayquaza is nowhere to be found once again.</r>


0hDUntI.png Kool

Re: Deoxys quest bug


<r><QUOTE author="iRedZerg"><s>

  iRedZerg said:
</s><POST content="183423"><s></s>183423<e></e></POST> Thats what u get when u cant wait 1 more week for everything to get done completly. They rushed with their project and we face a lot of problems<e>

While i can see where you're coming from, a major update, such as adding a whole region to the game, will always have problems that cannot be seen by game testers, no matter how long it takes to get released. It's just a matter of dealing with actual game breaking bugs such as this first, instead of focusing on minor things like visual bugs or rollbacks.</r>


0hDUntI.png Kool

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