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Re: Hoenn Hidden Items- Locations


<r><QUOTE author="Knapz"><s>

</s><POST content="188949"><s></s>188949<e></e></POST> The rare candy was in a displayed Pokeball.<br/>

I posted it because normally u don't had surf when u is at SlatePort city.<br/>


Btw, don't forget the Zinc at route 127 :P<e>


Ohh! Well if it was in displayed pokeball than that isn't a hidden item, i've picked that rare candy before too. I'm going to remove it.<br/>

Topic updated <E>:y:</E> <br/>


+(Added the Tiny Mushroom in Fortree City, which cannot be harvested like in Petalburg Woods)<br/>


EDIT: <QUOTE author="NisseP"><s>

</s><POST content="188958"><s></s>188958<e></e></POST> Rachels friends are random. Its stated in a post by a staff somewhere.<e>

i didn't know about this, i guess this needs confermation -> once Knapz discovers all the locations, we'll have to check if they're the same for us.</r>

Re: Hoenn Hidden Items- Locations


<r><QUOTE author="Knapz"><s>


Hey Knapz, i've just been in the Magma's hideout, and i've noticed that also the Rare Candy you had spotted isn't a hidden item at all, so yeah, we're only looking for hidden ones here <E>:banned:</E>

<QUOTE author="Halvsover"><s>

</s><POST content="189035"><s></s>189035<e></e></POST> <URL url="https://imgur.com/wpjKU1A">https://imgur.com/wpjKU1A</URL><br/>


Stardust here!<e>


Topic updated, stardust added <E>:y:</E></r>

Re: Hoenn Hidden Items- Locations


<r><QUOTE author="dedepouilleur"><s>

</s><POST content="189392"><s></s>189392<e></e></POST> Image of the fresh water at home :<br/>


<IMG src="https://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/783527Sanstitre.png"><s></e></IMG><e>


Lovely, thanks a lot!<br/>

Topic updated</r>

Re: Hoenn Hidden Items- Locations


<r><QUOTE author="Hadestoast"><s>

</s><POST content="189534"><s></s>189534<e></e></POST> Rachel quest: give me a tropius ( 9th member for me on the roof top lilycove departement)<e>

Mh okay, we still need the other friends' locations.<br/>


+Topic updated: reorganized the images order + added a Rare Candy in Route 127 that i've spotted few minutes ago. <E>:y:</E></r>

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