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A simple, but meaningful request


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Okay, remember how, for a while there, members where asked by Shane to help pledge to repair his PC, or how members where asked to pledge to donate for initial server cost, before membership was made.


Well, I recall there was going to be some gift for those players, as I had a pm from Enki on the old forums saying when the game released that those of us who pledged would get a "Thank-you" gift persay.


How about this instead. I'm not one for taking gifts for being a helpful person and offering a meager amount to help pay for something I support, I didn't like it in that other game, and I wouldn't want to see it here. Typically I only donate for the cause of helping the game in dire needs, or renewing my membership. I propose, that a forum rank/color be made for those members that help the game in the direst moments or even have done more effort than the rest, those of us who do what others won't, so that the game survives.


This would help recognize those of us that have done this, and it would probably mean a lot for some of us. I know it would for me.


Cheers, Gawerty~

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i second this.


It would be good to show appreciation to everyone who helped us out in that situation. im sure shane has a list of names somewhere that donated towards his new PC


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i second this.


It would be good to show appreciation to everyone who helped us out in that situation. im sure shane has a list of names somewhere that donated towards his new PC



Thanks for the support Arnie.

“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”
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Let me understand this, all you want is a different colour for your forum name?


If so I would not like people that helped in difficult moments to get only a different colour in their names, but if you are asking it as a plus, it would be a nice addition, I do not see any issue with recognizing the players that helped the project since the beggining


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Let me understand this, all you want is a different colour for your forum name?


If so I would not like people that helped in difficult moments to get only a different colour in their names, but if you are asking it as a plus, it would be a nice addition, I do not see any issue with recognizing the players that helped the project since the beggining



I was mainly only asking something like that to happen as recognition for people who have gone out of their way for the project to survive. It doesn't even have to be that really.

“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”
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