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Who am I you ask?


A man who desires chaos,

One who will reset the world's ruling structure,

And the man who will destroy your ambitions.


Would you like to know my name..?


I am..


Hououin Kyouma!



Couldn't resist! (n.n)

Hopefully somebody understands that reference... (=.=')

Okarin here! Mad scientist checking in!

I decided to check this out after my friend suggested it to me and am I hooked or what! :3 Loving the game at the moment, though I only just beat Brock after 8 hours.. -.-'

Long time Pokemon fan and new to Pokemon MMO's (I understand there has been quite a few?) and loving every minute of it. :D


A bit about myself I guess as this is an introduction!

I'm 19, studying Art and Computer Coding and really love hot chocolate. Like really. I love anime, Korean dramas and catchy,

( Your welcome. :P)

I enjoy making guides for games and already have an idea what I'm going to do for PRO too! :3

My favourite Pokemon would be a Wynaut. No explanation really needed..

Thank you for visiting my page! :D


|Artwork by Matt Dixon && ToxicKhroeger|

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  Crimson said:
Welcome to PRO Okarin!:)

  Jazmin said:
Hello, welcome to PRO! Ive seen you in game a few times I think... :)


Hey Crimson and Jazmin! Thank you for the welcome! oWo

You probably saw me grinding for a Shinx or Tailow xD


|Artwork by Matt Dixon && ToxicKhroeger|

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