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Tyrogue will try to evolve to Hitmontop regardless of its attack/defense. :confused:


I am trying to get a Hitmonchan, but it just keeps wanting to evolve to Hitmontop for no reason. I'm assuming this is a bug and not something done on purpose.



Pre-level up, to show it did indeed have higher attack than defense.



Wants to evolve to hitmontop :Frown:

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I asked Windypuff (in-game), and unless I misunderstood, this is not a bug. They said that this is just how it works in PRO.


I could have misunderstood since the chat was going by really fast, but that's my understanding.

We'll just have to wait for a mod/dev to reply to this thread to be 100% clear on which it is: Not implemented yet or Intended

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