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Mision New Mauville


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Well this is my problem'm doing the mission Hoenn power plant in Mauvile, and when I'm on the part of connecting to Plusle and Minun the I can perform well, then I have to go talk to the leader of that city which is in the power plant but nothing happens the game freezes and I have to get out of the bad. A friend of mine which help to make this mission could continue normally without error

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189856 PRO Username: Zeroexe0

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No

On which server issue happened: BLUE


What have you done before the problem was there?



What have you already tried to solve the problem?



Description and Message

:Frown: estoy haciendo la mision de la planta de energia en hoem yo hice lo que me pido Watson sobre plusle y Minun y volvi a hablar con el y nada el juego se congela y no responde, a un amigo que le dije para verificar si a el le sucede lo mismo pero no el si pudo seguir avanzando en esa mision


I'm doing the mission of the power plant in Hoen I did what I ask me Watson on Plusle and Minun and went back to talk to and nothing the game freezes and does not respond, a friend who told her to check to the same thing happens but if it could not continue in this mission.


P/s: try English in the forum will more help for staff or community know your question

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