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Mac Client


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What have you done before the problem was there?

I tried logging into the client but It kept crashing so I was confused. The server said online but the client wouldnt work since the Hoen region update. It turns out the the client needs to update however redownloading is impossible for mac. Check it. The download originates from mediafire.com however the Mac link shows up as "The file you attempted to download was determined to be dangerous. For your protection, MediaFire does not enable distribution of dangerous files."

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Im getting the same message as you when I'm downloading the client (I'm using a mac). Ive tried both Safari and Chrome. However, if i click the link enough times on chrome, it sometimes does load properly (Like, after 40 attempts lol).

I also have problems connecting, even when i have downloaded the game. But i dunno if thats a mac problem in general, or just my computer. Some days it loads fine, some days it doesn't connect to the server at all. Ive only started playing since the Hoenn release, so i don't know if its just a recent thing.

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Hi there, I'm on a Mac too so I feel your guys' pain. :P Here are some re-uploaded mirror links to download the Mac client, from this thread:






I hope that helps! And robotron, connectivity problems usually tend to happen if the server's down - usually I check the server status to see if the server is down or not, and if it is that's why you get the spinning rainbow ball of doom. If it's not down, just keep clicking "Log in" and it should work eventually. :)

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