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✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Rebuilding*


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is here to help!




Greetings, trainer! We are Team Cosmic, a guild dedicated to helping trainers all around the galaxy.



•Be friendly, active, and helpful.


•Have 120+ hours of playtime (Kanto & Johto finished).


Must have a Discord account. This is used as our main guild chat.





•Have a clean record. No drama IN or OUTSIDE the guild.


•A 48-72 hour trial will take place after your application is accepted. This way, you'll get comfortable around members while we ensure your activeness.


•After a week of being inactive ingame / Discord / both without notifying, a kick will be considered.


•If you can lend a helping hand to any guildie or non-guildie, by all means do.




NOTE: Please reply to this thread with an answer for the following questions.


Make sure they're not weak responses like "sure" or "I want to be the very best!".


This is the place where first impressions matter a lot (in case you don't meet the requirements and want us to make an exception).


1Give us a short introduction for us to get to know you.


2 How many hours have you played?


3 Regions completed?


4 What is your personal goal ingame?


5 Why do you think Team Cosmic is the place for you?


6 Will you be willing to help trainers?


Please wait patiently for your response.



One little bit of help can make someone's day. This is what we aim for, and we keep striving everyday to do our best as a guild.









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Re: ✰Team Cosmic✰ "Recruiting"


<r>Hello, we talked in-game and as i said i'm interested in joining Cosmic, i've played this game since 11th of march this year and been fairly active ever since. I consider myself friendly and happily help people with what i know :)<br/>


1. 546 In-game hours<br/>

2. Completed all three regions<br/>

3. My main goal is to have fun and complete the content that is released, also hunting for good i'vs on pokés I like, and maybe PVP in the future.<br/>

4. I think Cosmic is the right place for me because you guys seem friendly, fun and active in chat. And these are the things that I also aim for.<br/>

5. I'm always willing to lend a helping hand whenever i can <E>:y:</E> .<br/>


Hope to see you In-game</r>

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Re: ✰Team Cosmic✰ "Recruiting"


<r><QUOTE author="Halvsover"><s>

</s><POST content="194261"><s></s>194261<e></e></POST> Hello, we talked in-game and as i said i'm interested in joining Cosmic, i've played this game since 11th of march this year and been fairly active ever since. I consider myself friendly and happily help people with what i know :)<br/>


1. 546 In-game hours<br/>

2. Completed all three regions<br/>

3. My main goal is to have fun and complete the content that is released, also hunting for good i'vs on pokés I like, and maybe PVP in the future.<br/>

4. I think Cosmic is the right place for me because you guys seem friendly, fun and active in chat. And these are the things that I also aim for.<br/>

5. I'm always willing to lend a helping hand whenever i can <E>:y:</E> .<br/>


Hope to see you In-game<e>



Halsover Welcome aboard to the team~ I look forward to working with you ^_^</r>

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Re: ✰Team Cosmic✰ "Recruiting"


<r><QUOTE author="TatsumiChan"><s>

</s><POST content="194273"><s></s>194273<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Houw"><s>
</s><POST content="194270"><s></s>194270<e></e></POST> keep going tatsu <E>:y:</E> u have my support <E>:Angel:</E> <E>:Crazy:</E><e>

Ty Houw <3<e>


so you decided to make <br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/0c6pOWX.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

as well? :|</r>


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Re: ✰Team Cosmic✰ "Recruiting"


<t>1. 500+ hours played<br/>

2.completed all 3 regions<br/>

3. main goal is to catch the best pokes and complete all content that is released<br/>

4.think it will be cool to join a guild and help ppl out<br/>

5.always help people out when it is possible :)<br/>


would like to join your guild :) look forward to hearing from you in game</t>

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Re: ✰Team Cosmic✰ "Recruiting"


<r><QUOTE author="ajf102"><s>

</s><POST content="194284"><s></s>194284<e></e></POST> 1. 500+ hours played<br/>

2.completed all 3 regions<br/>

3. main goal is to catch the best pokes and complete all content that is released<br/>

4.think it will be cool to join a guild and help ppl out<br/>

5.always help people out when it is possible :)<br/>


would like to join your guild :) look forward to hearing from you in game<e>


Welcome to the team~</r>

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