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Crashes after a few minutes of game time



  1. 1.

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PRO Username: Schatten89

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?

I started the game and played. Sometimes it crashed (freezed) when I walk. Sometimes it crashes when I click at my pokemon.

Less often it happens, when I talk to NPCs.


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

I deleted the game and downloaded it again.

I influenced the options to reduce the ressources, that the game needs.


Description and Message

I don't know how to attach the file, so I will just copy the error log.

I would really appreciate your help. My first language isn't english, so please don't mind the mistakes.



Unity Player [version: Unity 5.3.4f1_fdbb5133b820]


atidxx64.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)

in module atidxx64.dll at 0033:f6328356.


Error occurred at 2016-06-28_215800.

C:\Users\User\Desktop\PRO64_95_2\PRO64_95_2.exe, run by User.

34% memory in use.

8105 MB physical memory [5301 MB free].

10025 MB paging file [6731 MB free].

134217728 MB user address space [134216896 MB free].

Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation.



RDI: 0x00000000 RSI: 0x00000000 RAX: 0x0c63eac8

RBX: 0x0c63eac0 RCX: 0x29500000 RDX: 0x00000000

RIP: 0xf6328356 RBP: 0x00000000 SegCs: 0x00000033

EFlags: 0x00010246 RSP: 0x05b4f700 SegSs: 0x0000002b

R8: 0x29540000 R9: 0x29504400 R10: 0x00000100

R11: 0x05b4f798 R12: 0x00000100 R13: 0x00000000

R14: 0x05b4f7c0 R15: 0x29504500


Bytes at CS:EIP:

48 8b 0a 4c 3b c9 7c 2a 48 03 4a 08 4c 3b f9 77



0x05b4f700: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f710: 00000000 00000000 f631eb0c 00007fff ..........1.....

0x05b4f720: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f730: 00000000 00000000 0dbd8e40 00000000 ........@.......

0x05b4f740: 0dbd8ec0 00000000 f6328a26 00007fff ........&.2.....

0x05b4f750: 05b4f7c0 00000000 29504400 00000000 .........DP)....

0x05b4f760: 0c63eab0 00000000 80070057 00000000 ..c.....W.......

0x05b4f770: fffffffe ffffffff 0dbd8ec0 00000000 ................

0x05b4f780: f62b7540 00007fff 05b63710 00000000 @u+......7......

0x05b4f790: 0f0fe6a0 00000000 f63227df 00007fff .........'2.....

0x05b4f7a0: 04e2de70 00000000 00000000 00000000 p...............

0x05b4f7b0: 00000000 00000000 0f0fe6a0 00000000 ................

0x05b4f7c0: 29504400 00000000 00000100 00000000 .DP)............

0x05b4f7d0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f7e0: 00000000 00000000 f68c9700 00007fff ................

0x05b4f7f0: 00000000 00000000 f6322985 00007fff .........)2.....

0x05b4f800: 05b4f918 00000000 f6323bca 00007fff .........;2.....

0x05b4f810: 00000000 00000000 04e2de70 00000000 ........p.......

0x05b4f820: 00000000 00000000 f68c8489 00007fff ................

0x05b4f830: 0f0fe6a0 00000000 f63238fc 00007fff .........82.....

0x05b4f840: 0f0fe6a0 00000000 05b600c0 00000000 ................

0x05b4f850: 00000000 00000000 f631d964 00007fff ........d.1.....

0x05b4f860: 05b63710 00000000 f68c81e8 00007fff .7..............

0x05b4f870: 00000000 00000000 05b600c0 00000000 ................

0x05b4f880: 04e20860 00000000 f631d898 00007fff `.........1.....

0x05b4f890: 29504400 00000000 00000100 00000000 .DP)............

0x05b4f8a0: 0d9c6c50 00000000 0001630b 00000000 Pl.......c......

0x05b4f8b0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f8c0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f8d0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f8e0: 00000000 00000000 04e248b0 00000000 .........H......

0x05b4f8f0: f62a3d20 00007fff 00000000 00000000 =*.............

0x05b4f900: 00000000 00000000 f6323846 00007fff ........F82.....

0x05b4f910: 29504400 00000000 00000000 00000000 .DP)............

0x05b4f920: 04e248e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 .H..............

0x05b4f930: fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f940: 00000001 00000000 f63237a4 00007fff .........72.....

0x05b4f950: 0f0fe6a0 00000000 0e983b50 00000000 ........P;......

0x05b4f960: 00000000 00000000 f631eb0c 00007fff ..........1.....

0x05b4f970: 0f0fe6a0 00000000 f6322f3e 00007fff ........>/2.....

0x05b4f980: 0e9de540 00000000 00000000 00000000 @...............

0x05b4f990: 0e983b60 00000000 0e983b50 00000000 `;......P;......

0x05b4f9a0: fffffffe ffffffff 04e20000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f9b0: 0e9de540 00000000 f6322e24 00007fff @.......$.2.....

0x05b4f9c0: 0e9de540 00000000 00000001 00000000 @...............

0x05b4f9d0: 00000000 00000000 05b600c0 00000000 ................

0x05b4f9e0: 2a26f428 00000000 f62ae158 00007fff (.&*....X.*.....

0x05b4f9f0: 0e9de540 00000000 f68ce8fe 00007fff @...............

0x05b4fa00: 00000000 00000000 0f0cd400 00000000 ................

0x05b4fa10: 00000000 00000000 f62b5d56 00007fff ........V]+.....

0x05b4fa20: 0f0cd400 00000000 f684a55c 00007fff ........\.......

0x05b4fa30: 0e983b60 00000000 f62c3c48 00007fff `;......H<,.....

0x05b4fa40: 00000000 00000000 f62a6530 00007fff ........0e*.....

0x05b4fa50: 0f0cd400 00000000 05b600c0 00000000 ................

0x05b4fa60: 04e2d6c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fa70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fa80: 00000000 00000000 f684877f 00007fff ................

0x05b4fa90: 04e2d6c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4faa0: 0064b380 00000000 0064fff0 00000000 ..d.......d.....

0x05b4fab0: 00000000 00000000 f690d19b 00007fff ................

0x05b4fac0: 00000000 00000000 0064b380 00000000 ..........d.....

0x05b4fad0: 00000000 00000000 0064b380 00000000 ..........d.....

0x05b4fae0: 00000000 00000000 f690d342 00007fff ........B.......

0x05b4faf0: 00000000 00007fff 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fb00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fb10: 0064b380 00000000 20258102 00007ff8 ..d.......% ....

0x05b4fb20: f690d240 00007fff 0064b380 00000000 @.........d.....

0x05b4fb30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fb40: f690d240 00007fff 22e9c5b4 00007ff8 @.........."....

0x05b4fb50: 202580e0 00007ff8 00000000 00000000 ..% ............

0x05b4fb60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fb70: 00000000 00000000 1fe67c70 00007ff8 ........p|......

0x05b4fb80: 05b4e880 00000000 05b4e880 00000000 ................

0x05b4fb90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fba0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fbb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fbc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fbd0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fbe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fbf0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fca0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fcb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fcc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fcd0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fce0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fcf0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fda0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fdb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fdc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fdd0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fde0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fdf0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fea0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4feb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fec0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fed0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fee0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fef0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ffa0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ffb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ffc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ffd0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ffe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fff0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................


Module 1


Image Base: 0x00400000 Image Size: 0x0001e000

File Size: 107368 File Time: 2007-04-04_195422


Company: Microsoft Corporation

Product: Microsoft® DirectX for Windows®

FileDesc: Microsoft Common Controller API

FileVer: 9.18.944.0

ProdVer: 9.18.944.0



== [end of error.log] ==




Thank you.

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196021 PRO Username: Schatten89

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?

I started the game and played. Sometimes it crashed (freezed) when I walk. Sometimes it crashes when I click at my pokemon.

Less often it happens, when I talk to NPCs.


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

I deleted the game and downloaded it again.

I influenced the options to reduce the ressources, that the game needs.


Description and Message

I don't know how to attach the file, so I will just copy the error log.

I would really appreciate your help. My first language isn't english, so please don't mind the mistakes.



Unity Player [version: Unity 5.3.4f1_fdbb5133b820]


atidxx64.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)

in module atidxx64.dll at 0033:f6328356.


Error occurred at 2016-06-28_215800.

C:\Users\User\Desktop\PRO64_95_2\PRO64_95_2.exe, run by User.

34% memory in use.

8105 MB physical memory [5301 MB free].

10025 MB paging file [6731 MB free].

134217728 MB user address space [134216896 MB free].

Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation.



RDI: 0x00000000 RSI: 0x00000000 RAX: 0x0c63eac8

RBX: 0x0c63eac0 RCX: 0x29500000 RDX: 0x00000000

RIP: 0xf6328356 RBP: 0x00000000 SegCs: 0x00000033

EFlags: 0x00010246 RSP: 0x05b4f700 SegSs: 0x0000002b

R8: 0x29540000 R9: 0x29504400 R10: 0x00000100

R11: 0x05b4f798 R12: 0x00000100 R13: 0x00000000

R14: 0x05b4f7c0 R15: 0x29504500


Bytes at CS:EIP:

48 8b 0a 4c 3b c9 7c 2a 48 03 4a 08 4c 3b f9 77



0x05b4f700: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f710: 00000000 00000000 f631eb0c 00007fff ..........1.....

0x05b4f720: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f730: 00000000 00000000 0dbd8e40 00000000 ........@.......

0x05b4f740: 0dbd8ec0 00000000 f6328a26 00007fff ........&.2.....

0x05b4f750: 05b4f7c0 00000000 29504400 00000000 .........DP)....

0x05b4f760: 0c63eab0 00000000 80070057 00000000 ..c.....W.......

0x05b4f770: fffffffe ffffffff 0dbd8ec0 00000000 ................

0x05b4f780: f62b7540 00007fff 05b63710 00000000 @u+......7......

0x05b4f790: 0f0fe6a0 00000000 f63227df 00007fff .........'2.....

0x05b4f7a0: 04e2de70 00000000 00000000 00000000 p...............

0x05b4f7b0: 00000000 00000000 0f0fe6a0 00000000 ................

0x05b4f7c0: 29504400 00000000 00000100 00000000 .DP)............

0x05b4f7d0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f7e0: 00000000 00000000 f68c9700 00007fff ................

0x05b4f7f0: 00000000 00000000 f6322985 00007fff .........)2.....

0x05b4f800: 05b4f918 00000000 f6323bca 00007fff .........;2.....

0x05b4f810: 00000000 00000000 04e2de70 00000000 ........p.......

0x05b4f820: 00000000 00000000 f68c8489 00007fff ................

0x05b4f830: 0f0fe6a0 00000000 f63238fc 00007fff .........82.....

0x05b4f840: 0f0fe6a0 00000000 05b600c0 00000000 ................

0x05b4f850: 00000000 00000000 f631d964 00007fff ........d.1.....

0x05b4f860: 05b63710 00000000 f68c81e8 00007fff .7..............

0x05b4f870: 00000000 00000000 05b600c0 00000000 ................

0x05b4f880: 04e20860 00000000 f631d898 00007fff `.........1.....

0x05b4f890: 29504400 00000000 00000100 00000000 .DP)............

0x05b4f8a0: 0d9c6c50 00000000 0001630b 00000000 Pl.......c......

0x05b4f8b0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f8c0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f8d0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f8e0: 00000000 00000000 04e248b0 00000000 .........H......

0x05b4f8f0: f62a3d20 00007fff 00000000 00000000 =*.............

0x05b4f900: 00000000 00000000 f6323846 00007fff ........F82.....

0x05b4f910: 29504400 00000000 00000000 00000000 .DP)............

0x05b4f920: 04e248e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 .H..............

0x05b4f930: fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f940: 00000001 00000000 f63237a4 00007fff .........72.....

0x05b4f950: 0f0fe6a0 00000000 0e983b50 00000000 ........P;......

0x05b4f960: 00000000 00000000 f631eb0c 00007fff ..........1.....

0x05b4f970: 0f0fe6a0 00000000 f6322f3e 00007fff ........>/2.....

0x05b4f980: 0e9de540 00000000 00000000 00000000 @...............

0x05b4f990: 0e983b60 00000000 0e983b50 00000000 `;......P;......

0x05b4f9a0: fffffffe ffffffff 04e20000 00000000 ................

0x05b4f9b0: 0e9de540 00000000 f6322e24 00007fff @.......$.2.....

0x05b4f9c0: 0e9de540 00000000 00000001 00000000 @...............

0x05b4f9d0: 00000000 00000000 05b600c0 00000000 ................

0x05b4f9e0: 2a26f428 00000000 f62ae158 00007fff (.&*....X.*.....

0x05b4f9f0: 0e9de540 00000000 f68ce8fe 00007fff @...............

0x05b4fa00: 00000000 00000000 0f0cd400 00000000 ................

0x05b4fa10: 00000000 00000000 f62b5d56 00007fff ........V]+.....

0x05b4fa20: 0f0cd400 00000000 f684a55c 00007fff ........\.......

0x05b4fa30: 0e983b60 00000000 f62c3c48 00007fff `;......H<,.....

0x05b4fa40: 00000000 00000000 f62a6530 00007fff ........0e*.....

0x05b4fa50: 0f0cd400 00000000 05b600c0 00000000 ................

0x05b4fa60: 04e2d6c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fa70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fa80: 00000000 00000000 f684877f 00007fff ................

0x05b4fa90: 04e2d6c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4faa0: 0064b380 00000000 0064fff0 00000000 ..d.......d.....

0x05b4fab0: 00000000 00000000 f690d19b 00007fff ................

0x05b4fac0: 00000000 00000000 0064b380 00000000 ..........d.....

0x05b4fad0: 00000000 00000000 0064b380 00000000 ..........d.....

0x05b4fae0: 00000000 00000000 f690d342 00007fff ........B.......

0x05b4faf0: 00000000 00007fff 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fb00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fb10: 0064b380 00000000 20258102 00007ff8 ..d.......% ....

0x05b4fb20: f690d240 00007fff 0064b380 00000000 @.........d.....

0x05b4fb30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fb40: f690d240 00007fff 22e9c5b4 00007ff8 @.........."....

0x05b4fb50: 202580e0 00007ff8 00000000 00000000 ..% ............

0x05b4fb60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fb70: 00000000 00000000 1fe67c70 00007ff8 ........p|......

0x05b4fb80: 05b4e880 00000000 05b4e880 00000000 ................

0x05b4fb90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fba0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fbb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fbc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fbd0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fbe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fbf0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fc90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fca0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fcb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fcc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fcd0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fce0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fcf0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fd90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fda0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fdb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fdc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fdd0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fde0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fdf0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fe90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fea0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4feb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fec0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fed0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fee0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fef0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ff90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ffa0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ffb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ffc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ffd0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4ffe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x05b4fff0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................


Module 1


Image Base: 0x00400000 Image Size: 0x0001e000

File Size: 107368 File Time: 2007-04-04_195422


Company: Microsoft Corporation

Product: Microsoft® DirectX for Windows®

FileDesc: Microsoft Common Controller API

FileVer: 9.18.944.0

ProdVer: 9.18.944.0



== [end of error.log] ==




Thank you.



Can you tell us what operating system you are using? It looks like windows but just to be sure.

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