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Profiled - curious, as well. Supposedly the items have been in-game for quite some time for select few; yet un-coded.


However, once released, I'd expect many if not all would meet Red's list of poke not to use in PvP as I'd imagine they'd be quite OP.. or some, anyways.

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197016 Profiled - curious, as well. Supposedly the items have been in-game for quite some time for select few; yet un-coded.


However, once released, I'd expect many if not all would meet Red's list of poke not to use in PvP as I'd imagine they'd be quite OP.. or some, anyways.

Only 1 mega in battle limits it from being OP. The only mega's I see as being op would be the megas that are currently in Ubers for Smogon.


Megas should be low on there priority list though because a lot of things are more important to the game.


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