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PvP small improvements



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Since the staff is giving some love to the PvP environment, I thought that this might be a good time to make a suggestion to improve the PvP player experience :)


1. Surrender button

With the recently achieved server stability, during peak hours the queue is around 200-300 players; at the moment very few players are into PvP (queue is empty more often than not). When finally a match comes and everything goes wrong (ice punch freezes at first hit / critted twice in a row / swapped your ferrothorn vs. a magmortat because whynot / find that player with 5x stallers and have like 5 minutes to play, not 5 hours) a surrender button would improve by a lot the quality of PvPs, avoiding to disconnect everytime and face the queue again :)


2. /pvp or /queue or /pvpqueue command to check how many players are in queue at the moment

Don't know how hard that is to make, but would be useful to quickly check if there are some players in queue (how many/if any).


3. In-game full ladder

Again, just a suggestion thrown a bit randomly without actually knowing the eventual difficulties :) But a full ladder implemented in-game with your ranking would be nice as well (am i 26th? or 126th?).

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1) Already suggested, don't know if it had any feedback though. +1


2) Really cool idea, +1


3) +1 if possible only if there is an option to keep yourself hidden in the ladder, if you are not in top 25. That's because a really good player might start playing at the end of a season and finish close to last places. He wouldn't probably like others to see about this 'cause he couldn't explain.

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197760 1) Already suggested, don't know if it had any feedback though. +1


2) Really cool idea, +1


3) +1 if possible only if there is an option to keep yourself hidden in the ladder, if you are not in top 25. That's because a really good player might start playing at the end of a season and finish close to last places. He wouldn't probably like others to see about this 'cause he couldn't explain.

Yep surrender button was already suggested somehwere, but didn't receive any attention or feedback unluckily :P was hoping to catch a good moment for PvP improvements :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who's Thorn?


Anyway, these are actually fair suggestions, especially the ranked ladder display. I will pass this on to shane.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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