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Re: Karps ~ [red]


<t>Me! Me! Me! Me!!!!! MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!... erh do i need to fill in the form? nvm just for safety:<br/>


Im 19 years old, ign: xBlitzx<br/>

650ish hours, 24 badges<br/>

i like farming for epic pokes :) (was karps now just gave up on beldum since 12 safari no beldum)<br/>

i like the atmosphere of the guild a lot :)<br/>

yeah i know about the discord server. not sure id be able to stay on for long there tho.<br/>

english is secondary language but u might as well treat it as my primary.</t>

Re: Karps ~ [red]


<t>1. What's your PRO nickname & how old are you? Pro nick is Nobalhao and i am 25<br/>

2. How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? I have all 24 badges and 500 plus hours of gameplay<br/>

3. What is your ingame hobby? (farming, selling, pvp) i would say i little bit of everything but mostly farming<br/>

4. Why would you like to be a Karp? Tired of beeing alone in the game while i could be farming karps with the karps themselves :p<br/>

5. Are you able to visit our Discord server? sometimes i can come<br/>

6. Is English your primary/secondary language? ENglish and french are my secondary language as Portuguese is my main language<br/>


Read and agreed with the terms :p<br/>

Hope everything is filled up correctly this time</t>

Re: Karps ~ [red]



Almost 200 hours, 8 badges<br/>

I hunt and sell rares.<br/>

Want to be a Karp again because it's the very best, and I miss my guildies old and new.<br/>

I am already on Discord and English is my primary language. <3 Doc and our queen Jaz</t>

Re: Karps ~ [red]


<r><QUOTE author="xBlitzx"><s>

  xBlitzx said:
</s><POST content="198878"><s></s>198878<e></e></POST> Me! Me! Me! Me!!!!! MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!... erh do i need to fill in the form? nvm just for safety:<br/>


Im 19 years old, ign: xBlitzx<br/>

650ish hours, 24 badges<br/>

i like farming for epic pokes :) (was karps now just gave up on beldum since 12 safari no beldum)<br/>

cuz i was a karp :(((( got kicked and im gunna kick back! jk i like the atmosphere.<br/>

yeah i know about the discord server. not sure id be able to stay on for long there tho.<br/>

english is secondary language but u might as well treat it as my primary.<e>


<QUOTE author="nobalhao"><s>

  nobalhao said:
</s><POST content="198952"><s></s>198952<e></e></POST> 1. What's your PRO nickname & how old are you? Pro nick is Nobalhao and i am 25<br/>

2. How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? I have all 24 badges and 500 plus hours of gameplay<br/>

3. What is your ingame hobby? (farming, selling, pvp) i would say i little bit of everything but mostly farming<br/>

4. Why would you like to be a Karp? Tired of beeing alone in the game while i could be farming karps with the karps themselves :p<br/>

5. Are you able to visit our Discord server? sometimes i can come<br/>

6. Is English your primary/secondary language? ENglish and french are my secondary language as Portuguese is my main language<br/>


Read and agreed with the terms :p<br/>

Hope everything is filled up correctly this time<e>


<QUOTE author="pyromaker187"><s>

  pyromaker187 said:
</s><POST content="199090"><s></s>199090<e></e></POST> Pyromaker187<br/>

Almost 200 hours, 8 badges<br/>

I hunt and sell rares.<br/>

Want to be a Karp again because it's the very best, and I miss my guildies old and new.<br/>

I am already on Discord and English is my primary language. <3 Doc and our queen Jaz<e>



Thanks for applying! Expect a PM shortly! - splash</r>


Credit to Jaszie for the first wonderful signature.

Join our facebook page "pokemon revultion online".

Karps for lyfe - https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=33864

Re: Karps ~ [red]


<r><B><s></s>1. What's your PRO nickname & how old are you?<e></e></B> SimonD and I'm 26<br/>

<B><s></s>2. How many gameplay hours and badges do you have?<e></e></B> Currently 533 hours and all 24 badges.<br/>

<B><s></s>3. What is your ingame hobby? (farming, selling, pvp)<e></e></B> I generally pick a pokemon, camp at that spot until I catch one I deem good enough and then ev and level it to 100. Then ofcourse there's the digs every 3 days, bosses every fortnight and headbutts when I feel like it. I'm also on ~30 task master tasks. <br/>

<B><s></s>4. Why would you like to be a Karp?<e></e></B> I have a shiny OT karp and a karp mount so where else would I go? :P <br/>

<B><s></s>5. Are you able to visit our Discord server?<e></e></B> Yes, I lurk in the pro discord whenever I'm online anyway so would be no problem joining another server :)<br/>

<B><s></s>6. Is English your primary/secondary language?<e></e></B> Primary language, am from Wales.</r>

Re: Karps ~ [red]


<r><QUOTE author="SimonD"><s>

  SimonD said:
</s><POST content="199288"><s></s>199288<e></e></POST> <B><s></s>1. What's your PRO nickname & how old are you?<e></e></B> SimonD and I'm 26<br/>

<B><s></s>2. How many gameplay hours and badges do you have?<e></e></B> Currently 533 hours and all 24 badges.<br/>

<B><s></s>3. What is your ingame hobby? (farming, selling, pvp)<e></e></B> I generally pick a pokemon, camp at that spot until I catch one I deem good enough and then ev and level it to 100. Then ofcourse there's the digs every 3 days, bosses every fortnight and headbutts when I feel like it. I'm also on ~30 task master tasks. <br/>

<B><s></s>4. Why would you like to be a Karp?<e></e></B> I have a shiny OT karp and a karp mount so where else would I go? :P <br/>

<B><s></s>5. Are you able to visit our Discord server?<e></e></B> Yes, I lurk in the pro discord whenever I'm online anyway so would be no problem joining another server :)<br/>

<B><s></s>6. Is English your primary/secondary language?<e></e></B> Primary language, am from Wales.<e>


Hiiiya! Thanks for applying - expect a PM shortly! //splash <E>:Shy:</E></r>

Re: Karps ~ [red]


<t>hello , I would like to apply to your awesome guild!!!!!<br/>

My pro name is badbrad89 and I am 26 years old. I currently have all 8 badges in Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn regions as well as 441 hrs in the game. My in game hobby consists of trying to collect all the pokemon i can in my pokadex. I would like to become a karp because I have talked with Jazzie quite alot in the game. I'm sure I could visit your discord server. Finally English is my primary language as I am from USA. <br/>


Thanks, <br/>


Re: Karps ~ [red]


<r><QUOTE author="badbrad89"><s>

  badbrad89 said:
</s><POST content="199720"><s></s>199720<e></e></POST> hello , I would like to apply to your awesome guild!!!!!<br/>

My pro name is badbrad89 and I am 26 years old. I currently have all 8 badges in Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn regions as well as 441 hrs in the game. My in game hobby consists of trying to collect all the pokemon i can in my pokadex. I would like to become a karp because I have talked with Jazzie quite alot in the game. I'm sure I could visit your discord server. Finally English is my primary language as I am from USA. <br/>


Thanks, <br/>



<B><s></s><I><s></s><COLOR color="deeppink"><s></s>Hey hey! Thanks for applying!! I'll PM you really shortly! //splash&dash <E>:Smile:</E> <e></e></COLOR><e></e></I><e></e></B></r>

Re: Karps ~ [red]


<r><QUOTE author="Piyunation"><s>

  Piyunation said:
</s><POST content="200206"><s></s>200206<e></e></POST> dont feel shy to join us we are nice and awesome people<br/>


we have lot o space in guilds lol<e>



pleb pinoy, *slaps*</r>


Credit to Jaszie for the first wonderful signature.

Join our facebook page "pokemon revultion online".

Karps for lyfe - https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=33864

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