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Retrying to register username

Guest JB5628


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Guest JB5628

PRO Username: Helly25

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: None


What have you done before the problem was there?

Registering multiple usernames in hopes of finally getting a validation mail with one of my mail accounts


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Nothing, I thought of this as the first step of doing something.


Description and Message


I am having a bit of a problem. I am already an active player (JB5628), but now wanted to register a second character. And, well...

I had tried multiple times with different usernames to register a first account with my main mail account. The emails never arrived, so I took another mail account and a name I hadn't tried yet, as the names already entered are "reserved" for a day or so either way.

Well, the name Helly25 was one of those.

I have waited for 2 days now and re-tried registering the name again, but it is still on hold. (Which it isn't supposed to be, according to a mod on the Live Chat, it should have run through after a day or so)

Is that a bug? Did I miss something?


Thank you!

- JB5628 / Helly25

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