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[RED] Looking for a Guild, I Guess?


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[glow=#000000]Hello. (Is it me you're looking for?)

So, I've been really enjoying this game. I started on 6/24 and I have ~120 hours played now and just finished Hoenn. (Yeah, I played a lot this week.. yikes).. When I first started playing, I had, in my head, thought I'd end up making my own guild. I've been saving up my money and am close to being able to create it now, but I figured I'd throw this out here before I do, in case I can save myself 400k.


I am a pretty hardcore gamer/nerd. I play a lot of games, and I've probably logged more hours on World of Warcraft than anyone I know.. But Pokemon are my favorite games, and I can't seem to get any of my friends interested in playing with me. I think this game is more of a grind than most of my friends are willing to commit to at this point. However, that leaves me sitting around and feeling incomplete because I almost feel like I'm playing a single player game at times.


As I mentioned, I'm nerdy. I'm into comic books, collectible games, and video games. I'm 28 (jeez, I just realized I'm 28..) and I live in Las Vegas. I mostly play games late at night, as I'm a night owl. I'm basically looking for a group of like-minded, mature-yet-immature people to hang out with and talk to. I haven't really been enjoying any of the default chat channels at all. A few people on there seem nice, but it's mostly been spam or odd cliquish discussion that I can't really figure out. I was looking at some guild threads and I saw that a lot of guilds try to have gatherings or hide-and-seek events and stuff, and I'm not into anything like that really. I'm just looking for people I can be friendly with, chat with, and trade with. I'm definitely down to help anyone out, I just can't get myself interested in group photos and stuff like that.


Anyways. Ideally, that's basically what I'm looking for: A group to chat with, trade with, help out. Would prefer a mature group as well. I like to joke around a lot, and would like to find a group of like-minded people. I don't enjoy the drama and overall quality of the conversation in the public channels (Not to anyone's fault, there are just too many people saying too many things)


So, that's it. My name in-game is[/glow][glow=#ff9933]SpiderPhoenix[/glow][glow=#000000], message me if I'm the type of person you want lurking in the corner.


If not, I'll make my own so-ronery guild.


Thanks for your time![/glow]

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Hi SpiderPhoenix!


You should check out our guild, Cinnabar, I'm pretty sure it would fit you.

We're a small bunch of people that are just together to chat around and mess with each other and are growing slowly in a nice atmosphere. Regarding what you like/dislike in guilds, I think we can be perfect for you.




Don't hesitate to post on the thread or PM Meiji directly if you are interested <3

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