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Rotom forms


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So, I was cleaning up some boxes and I stumbled upon my dear "oh I wish I could use that" rotom :)



Have checked if the suggestion has been made before and didn't find anything, so maybe that's something that slipped off devs' mind, but I would actually feel lucky to have got such a good rotom if its forms were coded (Rotom-W <3)...


So basically just a reminder to code its forms at some point in time :Heart:


In the spoiler the items that would be needed, an option could be that you could buy that from a NPC somewhere:


When it does not possess an appliance, it is Normal Rotom, and is Electric/Ghost.

When it possesses a microwave oven it becomes Heat Rotom, and is Electric/Fire.

When it possesses a washing machine it becomes Wash Rotom, and is Electric/Water.

When it possesses a refrigerator it becomes Frost Rotom, and is Electric/Ice.

When it possesses an electric fan it becomes Fan Rotom, and is Electric/Flying.

When it possesses a lawnmower it becomes Mow Rotom, and is Electric/Grass.


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203084 Rotom is all but unobtainable, i'd rather not fight something unless I have a chance in hell of obtaining it also. And I love you Deathwing, but your boss is a major scrooge and disappointment.

Well it's the same thing as larvesta - volcanora, you still see some in pvp. Also rotom is very very hard to get, but still it's no more than h.a. tier 4 pokemon

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