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[glow=yellow]The Warriors of Sunlight have finally formed their order :"Knights Of The Sun"[/glow]







The Guild is support oriented, meaning, that members are supposed to check on the help channel, give price estimates, rate in battle, etc., in short, be helpful to the other players. This also entails support in the forum, help guides by submitting data, help in the resolution area, help the staff with suggestions and feedback. Of course you aren't forced to do everything on the list, but the more the better.



In return the guild grants you its reputation, the Warriors of Sunlight are famous for their dedication, whose crest you may carry as a member.

Players that are reported to me as especially helpful will be awarded with rare, good Pokémon I find while hunting for my spawn guide.


The Guild is looking for more experienced Players, that are able to help their peers, through their vast knowledge of Pokémon, be it PvP, the Story or PRO specifics.


~So, what do you say? Why not help one another on this lonely journey?~

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Apparently I'm not allowed to PM you back, but yes. I speak English. I don't know how that's not horribly apparent by what I previously wrote, but all right. :Cry: Anyways, yes I am always in the help chat and help people when I know the answer. otherwise I just play the game.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not sure what you're looking for here.

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