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[glow=green]Current jobs[/glow]


No jobs currently



[glow=yellow]Finished jobs[/glow]


Cjlj - Fletchinder level 98 - level 100, and evolved into Talonflame - Done

Cjlj - Venusaur level 98 into level 100 - Done

Ghaitz - Lairon DEF EV 252



[glow=green]Payment methods[/glow]


You can pay all up front.

You can pay 50% up front, and 50% on pickup.

You can pay after the leveling is done.

You can pay with MS Medalion (Will be valued at 250k poke$)


[highlight=red]We reserve the right to resell your pokemon if you fail to do the payment within 14 days of the completion of the job.[/highlight]

This is a case by case basis, we can give you an extention on your time, just message us.

We will try to get your order done within 48 hours, however it depends on our current queue, feel free to ask for an ETA.

[glow=teal]What do people say about us?[/glow]


130296Great service. Levelled up two of my pokemon within hours despite the server crashing several times.


Ghaitz: 1743995753.png




Contact Bendiix in-game if you got any questions!

[glow=red]Check my daycare service -[/glow]

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Pokemon: exeggcute

What is your current pokemon level?:24

What level do you want it trained to?: 24

EV Traning (if yes, which?):spatk 252 hp 252

Any moves you want kept?: none

Any special level you want your pokemon evolved at?: no evolved

Any other notes you would like to add?:

hi :Grin:

201512 IGN:isidoraa

Pokemon: exeggcute

What is your current pokemon level?:24

What level do you want it trained to?: 24

EV Traning (if yes, which?):spatk 252 hp 252

Any moves you want kept?: none

Any special level you want your pokemon evolved at?: no evolved

Any other notes you would like to add?:

hi :Grin:


Please contact me ingame when you are online so i can get started :)

[glow=red]Check my daycare service -[/glow]

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