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No Breeding? How about Pokemon Rebirth?



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As far as I know breeding is not implemented mainly because it will make perfect pokemons, which is a bad thing for a MMO. But I always wanted an egg hatching experience in PRO, and then I came up with this idea: [glow=red]Pokemon Rebirth[/glow]. :Crazy:

Basically it would work like this: You bring a pokemon to a NPC, he will trade it for an egg of the corresponding pokemon (trade a Dragonite for a Dratini egg, for example). The egg will have its IVs, nature and ability exactly the same as your initial pokemon.

Serveral good things that this feature, if implemented, would bring to the game:

  • Egg hatching experience. The main reason I came up with this thing :devil:
  • A chance for a ruined pokemon to be fixed: There are many things in PRO that could make a great pokemon become trash: missed evolution (imagine an epic Jolly lvl 100 Gabite), missed move (a Breloom without Spore)... Pokemon games have always been heavy luck based, and I think it should stay that way. But lucky players should have a method to ensure that their great pokemon will perform great, and this feature is a good way to do that, in my opinion.
  • Make use of Incense items: Simply enough, you would only get a Wynaut egg if your Wobbuffet was holding a Lax Incense, for example.

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203238 Semi good idea, but whats the point of the "egg hatching experience"

Also, it was confirmed, Breeding will never be a thing in PRO, so dont get your hopes up.

Just because there is an egg involved doesn't mean it is breeding. This thing keep all the IVs, nature and ability of your original pokemon. Also your pokemon doesn't multiply, you lost one pokemon to get an egg. About that "egg hatching experience", I didn't know how to put it. It was just a nostalgic feeling of me running around in the original games waiting for an egg to hatch. And an egg isn't really needed to work here. It can be made to trade a pokemon for the earliest evo form of that pokemon.

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203238 Semi good idea, but whats the point of the "egg hatching experience"

Also, it was confirmed, Breeding will never be a thing in PRO, so dont get your hopes up.

Just because there is an egg involved doesn't mean it is breeding. This thing keep all the IVs, nature and ability of your original pokemon. Also your pokemon doesn't multiply, you lost one pokemon to get an egg. About that "egg hatching experience", I didn't know how to put it. It was just a nostalgic feeling of me running around in the original games waiting for an egg to hatch. And an egg isn't really needed to work here. It can be made to trade a pokemon for the earliest evo form of that pokemon.


I never did say that the Egg was breeding, I was just confirming your opening statement, that is was announced that there will never be breeding.

Back again ~ I swear its the last time.


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203258 I never did say that the Egg was breeding, I was just confirming your opening statement, that is was announced that there will never be breeding.

203238 Semi good idea, but whats the point of the "egg hatching experience"

Also, it was confirmed, Breeding will never be a thing in PRO, so dont get your hopes up.

Haha it was the "don't get your hopes up" that made me misunderstood, since the whole point of my post wasn't to persuade staff to implement breeding.

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It's a good idea I think.

So Flame Body and other ability that has same effect outside of battle could be useful too.

I like hatching too. But the reason I agree with the suggestion is because I lost a chance to evolve some pokes at the right moment just like last night. I lost a chance to evolve my gligar to gliscor because I accidentally killed a poke at 19:59 poke time while it was 99 and near to level. :Crazy:


[glow=red]Rem is <span style=❤️">[/glow]

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203267 It's a good idea I think.

So Flame Body and other ability that has same effect outside of battle could be useful too.

I like hatching too. But the reason I agree with the suggestion is because I lost a chance to evolve some pokes at the right moment just like last night. I lost a chance to evolve my gligar to gliscor because I accidentally killed a poke at 19:59 poke time while it was 99 and near to level. :Crazy:

Yes, hatching itself brings nothing to the game, no harm, but no good either. I wouldn't post something like that in this Suggestions section, knowing that the staff has many other important things to do.

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