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PRO Username: whispa

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?

when in a battle with wild pokemon, clicking the items tab will 9/10 times freeze the client.


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

clicking the battle menu before clicking items usually helps


Description and Message

running mac osx client, i have redownloaded the client several times to no avail. any solutions or feedback would be greatly appreciated.



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Yup, I have a Mac and this happens to me as well. I think it happens on non-Mac clients as well, though.


The best solution that's worked for me so far is to periodically open up my bag while I'm farming, every few minutes or so. That usually ensures I won't freeze when I finally encounter and try to catch a rare I've been farming for. Windypuff and Qhinn explain it pretty well here.


Good luck!

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