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quality of life and other suggestions


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1. make dig and all the other HMs act the same way cut does so that we don't have to put down our controllers to click "yes/no" and then choose a pokemon who has the ability. the functionality to loop through the available pokemon and automatically use the ability is clearly already implemented, so why not apply it to every HM? and instead of having "yes/no" be clickable, you should bind the options to actions 1 and 2 like everything else.


2. fix the order that exp is applied/level ups are shown during battle. atm you can see immediately whether you've killed an enemy or not by looking at your exp bar, but that's kind of silly considering you apply the level up itself after the enemy faints. why not update the exp then too? it would also be nice to increment the bar in small chunks (like 10% of the bar a second so that the exp smoothly increases the way it does in the games). i would imagine it shouldn't be too hard to implement that using an ienumerator function that gets called as the exp is applied. you could even add a sound to play inside the function.


3. this one might be a little insulting, but the writing in this game is verrrrrry snobbish. it feels like a jumble of thesaurus words strung together which ruins the flow of the sentences and makes simple explanations or potentially impactful statements more wordy than they should be.


also, are you guys looking for Unity developers by any chance?

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!. Certain HMs are hard coded into the client, which is why they act the way they do. Dig and headbutt however, are not (they aren't even HMs for that matter). they are NPC coded, which require levels of interaction, and before you say 'well why dont you do the same with dig etc' that is because only the client developer would have access to them then, not scripters like we have now (which believe me is much easier to zero in on any potential errors and fix)


2. What you're suggesting here, is a visual function which serves no real purpose other than to look nice, and while you have a point, it isn't that important compared to other things that need to be done first.


3. Certain characters and dialogues are INTENTIONALLY done like that to (exactly what you pointed out) to portray a snobbish attitude. This will not be changed.


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3. Certain characters and dialogues are INTENTIONALLY done like that to (exactly what you pointed out) to portray a snobbish attitude. This will not be changed.

I love recognizing a dialogue written by Naero :Heart: The dialogues in PRO are actually worth reading unlike the original games :p

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3. Certain characters and dialogues are INTENTIONALLY done like that to (exactly what you pointed out) to portray a snobbish attitude. This will not be changed.

I love recognizing a dialogue written by Naero :Heart: The dialogues in PRO are actually worth reading unlike the original games :p


We love the Naeroisms (yes, they have a name even lol)


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I agree with 1 and 2, but i do understand that 2 isn't a priority in this stage of development of the game. However 1 is really true and it would be nice to have an improvement on the way dig/headbutt works.

[glow=black]A limitless gratitude[/glow]

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205184 !. Certain HMs are hard coded into the client, which is why they act the way they do. Dig and headbutt however, are not (they aren't even HMs for that matter). they are NPC coded, which require levels of interaction, and before you say 'well why dont you do the same with dig etc' that is because only the client developer would have access to them then, not scripters like we have now (which believe me is much easier to zero in on any potential errors and fix)


2. What you're suggesting here, is a visual function which serves no real purpose other than to look nice, and while you have a point, it isn't that important compared to other things that need to be done first.


3. Certain characters and dialogues are INTENTIONALLY done like that to (exactly what you pointed out) to portray a snobbish attitude. This will not be changed.


not sure what the distinction between scripter and client developer is in this context, nor do i understand what you mean by NPC coded. are you essentially saying you don't have access to the code base that affects the way abilities work? couldn't you edit the client to make all abilities "NPC coded" and thus editable by scripters (i guess) and then re-release the client? (i clearly have no real deep information as to how abilities are implemented in PRO hahahha)


i also understand your rebuttal to point 2. and i do agree that it is simply a visual function, but, honestly, battling is more than 50% of this game and players spend most of their time watching their pokemon level up. i know it's a little nitpicky but i just figured iterating on the combat system itself would be high priority. that being said, i have no idea what your dev cycle is looking like atm.


ahh, ok. i was scared of being taken the wrong way, and it did occur to me that it might've been intentional. i guess it's just a matter of preference. off the bat, i like the changes to the story that you guys made but the only thing that threw me off was the silly use of vocabulary.


thanks for your consideration!

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1. Agree with OP, however, it is not a big deal, and sounds tricky to fix, so I'm for leaving it the way it is.


2. This one I totally agree with the OP. This problem is immersion-breaking. Instead of watching the "news feed" for the description of the battle, my eyes are on the left corner of the screen waiting to see if the experience bar jumps, which makes the news feed a waste of time, as I already know what happened. I actually put this as a high priority for extra enjoyment of the game.


3. Disagree with OP. Text is fine!

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