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Friendly Guild - NoScrubZone (Red Server) [Video]


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Check out our video about our guild:




Hey, we're a very friendly mostly social guild.. looking for lots of people to join if they need a guild and have lots of questions they need help with!

The guild is entirely made up of our Twitch viewers atm but we're opening it up because, Wynaut right?


If you want to join, reply here.. or send me a pm, or whisper me on Twitch etc..

I'll try an add as many people as I can next time I'm online.


I'm normally online at 6PM GMT.. that's when I stream, so see you guys there!


I tend to do regular giveaways and viewer/guild member events too!


Also all praise the mighty Spoink!



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You're welcome to! I shall add everyone I can when I next stream, should be most days at 6PM GMT!


Also I made a quick video about our guild too:




Is CHTSAL your in game name?



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Welcome to all of the new-comers! Anyone else want to join? We still have space..

We try to help each other out as much as we.. and I tend to do giveaways in my streams too!


Just PM me here or in game, I'm Heiach.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I am looking for a guild...

Also from UK.

I'm a veteran Pokemon player of the retro kind...

Honestly though still learning this EV, IV and nature thing, even though I have played all games up to X/Y never really though about those things before.

But I'm getting it.

I know you haven't requested any kind of CV, but thought I'd put a little bit.

I'm not a child, I don't winge when I don't get my own way, no honestly, I'm not a child, I'm married with 2 kids :)

Aver since I got Pokemon on my Gameboy, I have been hooked on them, on and off admittedly.


IGN Hypozonic

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