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Hello everyone!


I have 2 suggestion for the problem of have ¨Useless¨ items or a lot of items.(900 Fresh water and 500 Oran berries for example)


2 Suggestions is for the same problem.(Only need 1 of 2 suggestion)



[glow=red]Crafting System.[/glow]


The crafting system is very simple, you can create using others!!


All region have 1 ¨Crafting House¨ for this.

This can have 1 Witch or Many Npcs for type of items(a Old lady for Heal items, a scientific for Battle Items, etc)


For example:


Heal items:


5 Sitrus Berry + 5 Oran Berry = Energy Powder


Super Potion + 5 sitrut berry= Hyper Potion


Battle items.

5 Fresh water + 1 Hard Stone = Mystic Water.


5 Black Sludge + 1 Smoke Ball= 1 Toxic Orb.


5 Metal Coat + 1 Smoke Ball= 1 Iron Ball


Other items


1 Moomoo Milk + 20 leppa Berries = 1 Rare Candy.


*This can useful for many quests or future events.

(Create a Special halloween headgear with event items for example )




(Remember that this is only a example)


[glow=Blue]Special Merchant[/glow]


Special Merchant is very similar, this can exchange items for others.(Like the same)


NPCs as Item maniac but this exchange your items for others!




Nature Lover: Exchange your berries for other ¨nature items¨


20 oran berry for a 1 Mystic water, 20 Cheri Berries for a Miracle seed, etc.



BodyBuilder: Exchange your vitamins for other a Random item.


I add a edit picture in the main post.



Left: Items can create.

RIGhT: Items that you need can create another one.


Abouta the ¨25/5¨


25 is the number of the same item that you have, 5 is the number of items you need for create another one.

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