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The benefit of Membership


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210701 Hey I'm new to PRO and just purchased for Membership.

I want to know where I can get these Members Only Clothes. Are there any shops for that?

Sorry, I'm new and I didn't even beat Brock yet. :p

Here's a guide on the benefits of having membership.


You'll need to visit the clothing shops at Lavender Town (Kanto) and Ecruteak City (Johto). I believe there's also a clothing shop at Slateport City in Hoenn. And there's a fisherman NPC on both Route 12 and Olivine City who will sell fisherman hats, although I'm not 100% sure if those require membership to purchase (if so, it should say in the description when you go there). Here's a somewhat out-of-date clothing guide you can use for reference. Good luck!

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