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the mouse is not in the right place!


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Hi. Since yesterday everytime i log into the game i just realize the mouse isn't on is real location where it supposed to be.

i mean.. if i need to click on the map button, i'll have to aim a little higher to the left to hit the right place.

some way to fix it ? :Ambivalent:

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210730 Hi. Since yesterday everytime i log into the game i just realize the mouse isn't on is real location where it supposed to be.

i mean.. if i need to click on the map button, i'll have to aim a little higher to the left to hit the right place.

some way to fix it ? :Ambivalent:

Either change your resolution or click ALT+ENTER twice. This should fix your mouse's location.

If the problem persists then it could be an issue with your mouse drivers, make sure they are up to date.


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