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213899 I was wondering if Pokemon will start disobeying you or not if you train it to much before a certain badge?

No one answered the question in Help Chat after asked a few times =)


Or is there a guide to gyms and what level to be on, etc?

You might want to post your questions in General Support next times ^^

Pokemon won't start disobeying, you can potentially level up till level 100 before brock :)

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213899 I was wondering if Pokemon will start disobeying you or not if you train it to much before a certain badge?

No one answered the question in Help Chat after asked a few times =)


Or is there a guide to gyms and what level to be on, etc?

You might want to post your questions in General Support next times ^^

Pokemon won't start disobeying, you can potentially level up till level 100 before brock :)


Whoops! I'll go to General Support next time!

I'm sorry everyone =)

Thank you for the answer though, Sharlank =)

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There is no obedience in this game.


The only time a pokemon will refuse your orders is when using Dig or Headbutt outside of battle (such as on trees or cave holes). Dig and Headbutt require the pokemon to have 150+ happiness to use outside of battle, to check your pokemons happiness you can type "/happy #" in chat, where # is a number between 1 and 6 that corresponds to your specified party slot.

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