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I find this article hard to define without using some kind of inappropriate words for a PG environment, so I'll try to convey a picture of what this article made me think of: you do it daily in the toiled (some a bit less often), it stinks and it's better staring at that for 5 mins instead of reading this.

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I can barely read this without cringing.

We must rape women.

That's a typo right? It has to be.


and then top it all off with this:

I am real Messiah and aliens are coming from Saturn and Venus. Venus creates a pentagram with Earth. Venus spins 13, Earth 8 times while creating pentagram. Saturn has blue hexagons at its poles.


You're insane mate. Please don't reproduce.


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213975 History is lie. Psychology is lie. Science is lie. What is truth? I will tell..

So... who are you again to tell us the so called "truth"?

213975 At screen of computer it is becoming 8 million different electric waves. How can a single electric input give you 8 million output? Electricity isnt that simple. Electric is soul it is spirit.

That is simply ignorance, read a book of physics or electrical engineering, "electricity is spirit"...

213975 if someone created computers it must be something like god

Again, read anything about how first computers were built...

213975 yramids, Nazis, Vampires, Dragons, Aliens, Computers, single cable that transfer signal to 4 million devices

Really amazing to see someone so shocked at technological progress to compare aliens/dragons with high data transfers or even computers...

213975 There is many things that proving aliens, vampires, illuminati, demons...

Like your word as given truth?

213975 Before dinosaurs animals died 5 more times so sometimes Earth is killing living beings. With ice age, astroids, radioactive stars, volcanic destructions, storms..

Wow, you should definitely inform the rest of the world of those events since no one knows they actually happened! radioactive stars destroying life sounds terrific

213975 What do we have to do?

We must rape women.

That's misogynistic, offensive (and reportable in the forums), what the .. is your logic behind this one?

213975 We must riot against our rulers and leaders bcause we are better than them and they are stupid.

100% sure? :')

213975 As you can see sometimes some evil persons deserves to be killed.

That's against many countries Constitution :)

213975 A wise vampire told me

Didn't he bite you afterwards?

213975 Readers of this post; prove to me if i am not right or perfect. If you have any theories or scientific things you want to say, say them. I am real Messiah and aliens are coming from Saturn and Venus.

Try to explain some of the points I've highlighted with quotes ^^


Also last but not least... What proof do you have that you're not an alien? :')

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