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So as quite a few of you may know, the Naruto manga ended over a year ago at least.

The anime is still drudging along at an increasingly lethargic pace, but it's getting to be near the end.

Now the Boruto manga is in full swing, and it's currently just retelling the events of the Boruto movie (with the exception of a passage in the first chapter which skips many years into the future when Boruto is much older and gives a very... dark detail about the future)


Are any of you keeping up with it? Did many of you even know it existed?

Let's get some discussion going.

Current Team on Pokemon Revolution: (I'm on Red Server!)

Fearow, Gengar, Magneton, Quagsire, Bronzong, Houndoom


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Finished Naruto manga long ago ..the anime is almost at end.Maybe Boruto series will be aired soon.Hope so it lives upto expectations. Cause kishimoto is not taking much part in it.

[glow=red]“There is no heaven or hell.

No matter what you do while you're alive, everybody goes to the same place once you die.[/glow]

214463 I've been keeping up with it monthly.

How have you been feeling about it? I think he's dragging on the movie retelling just a bit too long.

Current Team on Pokemon Revolution: (I'm on Red Server!)

Fearow, Gengar, Magneton, Quagsire, Bronzong, Houndoom


Check out my music!

- https://www.facebook.com/BlackMalachite/


- https://blackmalachite.bandcamp.com/

214463 I've been keeping up with it monthly.

How have you been feeling about it? I think he's dragging on the movie retelling just a bit too long.


I feel just about the same way, his art style could also use some work, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be.

214463 I've been keeping up with it monthly.

How have you been feeling about it? I think he's dragging on the movie retelling just a bit too long.


I feel just about the same way, his art style could also use some work, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be.

I don't have a problem with the art style bar some odd choices here and there. The promo shot in the first chapter with Boruto and that guy he was fighting as adults was awesome.

Current Team on Pokemon Revolution: (I'm on Red Server!)

Fearow, Gengar, Magneton, Quagsire, Bronzong, Houndoom


Check out my music!

- https://www.facebook.com/BlackMalachite/


- https://blackmalachite.bandcamp.com/


How have you been feeling about it? I think he's dragging on the movie retelling just a bit too long.


I feel just about the same way, his art style could also use some work, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be.

I don't have a problem with the art style bar some odd choices here and there. The promo shot in the first chapter with Boruto and that guy he was fighting as adults was awesome.


I know right! I can't wait to see how that plays out later on...



I feel just about the same way, his art style could also use some work, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be.

I don't have a problem with the art style bar some odd choices here and there. The promo shot in the first chapter with Boruto and that guy he was fighting as adults was awesome.


I know right! I can't wait to see how that plays out later on...


I just feel like that's not going to be shown for at the very least a year tbh

Current Team on Pokemon Revolution: (I'm on Red Server!)

Fearow, Gengar, Magneton, Quagsire, Bronzong, Houndoom


Check out my music!

- https://www.facebook.com/BlackMalachite/


- https://blackmalachite.bandcamp.com/

216050 Wait...there's a proper Boruto manga ?!

Read the mini series however long ago it was, didn't know they were doing it properly.

Been reading Black Clover, just wish there was more chapters lol


Yeah, it only releases new chapters monthly though.


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