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Mass Release (For convenience)


<r>So after farming pokemons to get <I><s></s>the<e></e></I> perfect one, naturally I'll have lots of extra pokemon in my PC that I don't really want, now I have to drag-click A LOT of these pokes to clean my pc . <br/>

What if there's an option to pick lots of pokemon at once and release them at the same time. I made a hastily made picture detailing it<br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/yvGsAY0.png"><s></e></IMG> <br/>

You can see a new checkbox I made at the top right corner of each pokemon (item logos can be moved to the lower right of each pokemon's portrait). And a new button for the mass releasing. Then you'll get the confirmation with each of the pokemon's portrait inside it (I think it's better if you can click the portraits to show stats so you know if you're kicking the right pokemon). Just a suggestion <br/>


Re: Mass Release (For convenience)


<r>Nice pic and signature xD<br/>


I support the idea of multi selection in the pc, it really is time saving.<br/>

And I would like to suggest as well the possibility of sorting our pokes <U><s></s>ourselves<e></e></U> because I really miss this and the actual sorting doesn't really suits me. (or at least make a type-based sort that wouldn't apply on each box independently but on the pc globally)</r>

[glow=black]A limitless gratitude[/glow]

232903 So after farming pokemons to get the perfect one, naturally I'll have lots of extra pokemon in my PC that I don't really want, now I have to drag-click A LOT of these pokes to clean my pc .

What if there's an option to pick lots of pokemon at once and release them at the same time. I made a hastily made picture detailing it


You can see a new checkbox I made at the top right corner of each pokemon (item logos can be moved to the lower right of each pokemon's portrait). And a new button for the mass releasing. Then you'll get the confirmation with each of the pokemon's portrait inside it (I think it's better if you can click the portraits to show stats so you know if you're kicking the right pokemon). Just a suggestion


--Merge topic--

Programming a region search function for the PC.


<t>My suggestion is pretty easy to make my point of view.. it is just a retrieval from the database by the region id (kanto,johto,hoenn).<br/>


Currently there is Sort by Default, Sort by Name, Sort by Level. <br/>


It may be a good idea to make one region selection to separate pokemon of different region. <br/>


There is actually 2 ways currently either you add one more selection box into the sort function, or just do a quick changes for the search function. <br/>


for now i do not know how you guys programmed the retrieval part but this may be a quick fix . ( to change the coding of the search function to check if the user is searching for ("hoenn, johto, kanto") and just display accordingly.</t>

Re: Programming a region search function for the PC.


<r><QUOTE author="thejollypear"><s>

</s><POST content="251905"><s></s>251905<e></e></POST> +1 <br/>



I'd like this aswell. <E>:Shy:</E><e>




thanks for your support! I feel contented haha... i don't know how they coded the PC (BUT) i believed this can be done from my point of view haha</r>

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