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Summary PC Revamp suggestion


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Re: PC Box Revamp


<t>I definitely agree that there needs to be an option to organize yoru pc boxes. I dont' agree with the Larger Boxes. there's enough of them. I don't think a size thing iwll matter, but I 100% upvote the idea of having the option to organize, name boxes.</t>


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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I know this might be a little outdated, but i love this game and one of the things i dont like is your pc box and the fact that you cant store items. Wouldnt it be possible just to make some more pc boxes? That way you can decide to put the trash in one, your trained ones in another.

Same thing with items, vuluables and evolution items i dont need to take them with me all time.


Anyway I love the game and I just want it to improve

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  • 1 month later...

More options for our Pokemon Storage


<t>I was thinking it'd be great if we could also have a sort by nature and a sort by ability option in our pokemon storage. What do you think? Or maybe you could put a special symbol or marking on the pokemon's profile in storage so that we can tell what nature it is easily just by looking at it. That way we dont have to click every single pokemon to see what nature it has. This is a bigger problem for sellers i think because they have a huge collection to sort through when they see there's a buyer. natu sellers for example might have dozens of natu ready but have to click each one to find the one with the right nature when a buyer appears. It would just make things much more organized and easy for players if we had these options or at least a mark/symbol on the pokemon profile to tell it apart fast and easily.</t>

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Re: More options for our Pokemon Storage


<t>I approve of your idea, I must also add we should be able to make custom boxes, where the pokemon stay in there it's very unconvient when you have 20+ boxes, also i think the clone/xmas pokemon should have like a symbol beside there name kind of like shiny pokemon.<br/>


and my last suggestion is that; in the search bar, you type "Shiny" and all your shiny pokemon would come up, it'd make things a lot easier and I'd imagine it's not very hard to code. Enough with the cosmetics, more actual updates please.</t>

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I think the only improvement that is really needed (like ASAP) is manual sort possibility/box management or however to call it. Atm I have almost 50 pages in my storage and I got lost in it. To find anything I need to write the whole name (which is really weird considering that you need to write few letters only in pokedex; why not here?) and I don't really know what I really have there. Sorting is not helping at all, the only thing that can improve the whole thing is fixed positions of Pokemons in the box. I'm not a programmer so I don't know if it's hard to make or not, but it would surely make organizing pc a lot of easier.

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and i also wish when we did sort by alphabet or level it didnt just sort alphabetical for each individual page. For example instead of it doing page 1 and 2 are all letter a page 2 letter b, page 3 and 4 letter c etc., it does page 1 abcdefg, page 2 abcdefg, etc. i think thats a bad way to sort things and it still forces me to have to look through every page still to find the pokemon i want if i'm using the alphabetical sorting system. Same problem when you sort by level. Instead of doing pages 1-3 level 1, page 4 and 5 level 2, etc. it does page 1 levels 1-100, page 2 1-100 etc. I don't like that kind of sorting.

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