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cant login on blue


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i can login on red and yellow but blue refuses to even connect and i mainly play blue

what i have done

restarted my pc and router

redled the cleint

rebooted over 40 times in the past 3 hours ....( not good for my pc)

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i tryed that last night o...o and even on andorid it does this aswell as both windows i honestly have no clue why i even have waited for an hour after the login sequance and nothin happens boring hour but nothing happpend


Update: still can't login but I have tryed 2 tablets 2 phones and 2 PCs all of them are trying to connect almost like a ghost queue. No clue as to what is going on

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218514 :Ambivalent: is it common to get all 3 server full??? I been trying to login but I get server full waiting in line is that normal? :Frown:


Yeah, our servers are pretty much filled everyday. Expect to hit queues anytime.


Please do not post in another topic, as your question has nothing to do with the actual issue.

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218219 Bump I think something's wrong with my account and the blue server..... Its been over 2 days 40+ restarts and still nothing ....

Hey, I'm sorry you've met with so many issues trying to connect to Blue. From your join date, it seems like you've been playing for a while, so let's see if we can figure this out and get you playing again.


Have you tried to disable your firewall/antivirus yet? When you're getting the "Cannot connect" error, it can sometimes be related to that. You may have to restart your computer before doing this, in order to see if PRO is being blocked (apologies - I know you've already rebooted your PC several times but bear with me here).


If you have an alternate account (you're permitted to have up to 4), try to see if you can connect to the Blue Server using that. The server is running just fine, so it's an issue with your client or potentially the account you're trying to log in on.


Let me know how it works out!



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