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So I'am trying to think of which pokemon I'll really need for the Hoenn story so that it goes a lot smoother. Let me know what you think about the team and what changes should be made.


Mudkip- for roxanne and flannery. As far as I can remember Lisa and tate had a solrock and a lunatone so mudkip should help there too.And Would its ground type moves be enough to handle watson? Or should I catch something else to deal with him?


Ralts- Really just for brawly


Breloom-Bit of a confusion here on when I should be evolving it from a shroomish.Shroomish would help with roxanne and wallace.But apparently breloom can't learn bullet seed so would I need a better grass/ electric type for the last gym? Either way breloom would still help with Norman.


That still leaves something to deal with Winnona and wallace.Maybe a magnemite if it can be caught somewhere in Hoenn?


Let me know what you guys think

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  ShadowXion said:
218825 Wait so you can't do the exact thing thing like you could in Jhoto? I got the Early Gastly in Jhoto and only used that to run 1 pokemon to lvl 90 beating all trainers/gyms. So I can't do the exact same thing in Hoenn, but with a Ralts this time?


No idea how you finished the whole of johto with just a gastly but idk about hoenn. There is a psychic gym so maybe that would stop the ralts?

  rsiddharth97 said:
  ShadowXion said:
218825 Wait so you can't do the exact thing thing like you could in Jhoto? I got the Early Gastly in Jhoto and only used that to run 1 pokemon to lvl 90 beating all trainers/gyms. So I can't do the exact same thing in Hoenn, but with a Ralts this time?


No idea how you finished the whole of johto with just a gastly but idk about hoenn. There is a psychic gym so maybe that would stop the ralts?



It's because I kept the TM's for Thunderbolt and Psychic and put it onto that Gastly. Shadowball/Thunderbolt/Psychic/Sucker or Shadow Punch is what did it for me.

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