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Fly system


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Hi, i'm chilean, so my english is not good but I try to explain my idea of a flight system with the help of google translate


Fly system;

u need points for fly, The points are recharged every 2 hours and as a normal player have a max of 2 points (memberships have a max of 4 points)


I would love to help me refine this system so that it can be taken into account by developers :Smile:

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217848 Hi, i'm chilean, so my english is not good but I try to explain my idea of a flight system with the help of google translate


Fly system;

u need points for fly, The points are recharged every 2 hours and as a normal player have a max of 2 points (memberships have a max of 4 points)


I would love to help me refine this system so that it can be taken into account by developers :Smile:

Fly will never implement outside battle, use subway system instead. Please take time to read this https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1452

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