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thanks for 800 views :)

Gyms beaten with one pokemon:

Brock --- beaten by budew

Misty --- beaten by same budew as above

Lt. Surge --- by roselia, evolution of budew above. (had to use pidgey in this to take the first dig hits, roselia dealt all damage.)

erika --- by raticate

thank you everyone for over 1000 views :D

Gyms beaten with one pokemon:

Brock --- beaten by budew

Misty --- beaten by same budew as above

Lt. Surge --- by roselia, evolution of budew above. (had to use pidgey in this to take the first dig hits, roselia dealt all damage.)

erika --- by raticate

239480 early ev train helps a lot, but not strictly necessary if you are a new player short of pokedollars

I understand this, but thanks for clearing it up for those who may not have understood. it is something that nobody was saying is useful when you are starting the game, and I proved that you can still do it without a badge :)

Gyms beaten with one pokemon:

Brock --- beaten by budew

Misty --- beaten by same budew as above

Lt. Surge --- by roselia, evolution of budew above. (had to use pidgey in this to take the first dig hits, roselia dealt all damage.)

erika --- by raticate

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