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Minigame about Bike Racing in Kanto Route 17


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We were speaking about this idea in the all chat, and many players agreed that it would be a nice idea:

Doing bike races in route 17, for 4-5 players, with one judge that say "3, 2,1, go!" and another judge in fuchsia city that could see the winner.

In the end the winner would get the prize money, stored by one judge (or both)

And these races should be only at night :D

It would be a funny minigame for me and would get super viral

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[anchor=][/anchor] we could make diffrent routes and stuff

also we can make event with 20+ people where the winner would win a shiny or something

or tournaments with 3 people each race and the winners race each other til we have a battle of the 2 best racer in whole kanto :DDD


i like it, we should organize something like that! xD

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