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Choosing Regions :For the future?



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Okay so I got a question about something... mmm..

Are you guys planning at any point in the future to - when regions are finished, enable players to select their starter region?

I know it's pretty like.. set in stone right now - start in kanto, beat e4 to unlock other regions.

But for some of us, who have been playing since *Literally Red/Yellow/Blue* It's a bit of a meh. situation for me atleast.

My ex who plays the game also would rather get to start in hoenn (In the future maybe?)

Personally I've always been a Johto fan. I know It's a pretty tedious question.

I'm sorry, I'm also probably not the first to ask for this.

But theirs something just.. you gotta admit.. that though, that feeling? Of knowing their are new players on a totally differant continent than you.

Maybe having region/continent limited chats until players get their 6th badge - then they can access a world chat.

But Just imagine.

Lil Jimmy is a trainer from Pallet town.

Lil Timmy is from Hoenn.

Lil Susie is from Sinnoh.

None of them can talk to each other, yet one day they might meet either by one visiting the others continent.

Or a Battle frontier area - where tournaments and special battle modes are held, for players from each region to duke it out with their pokemon they spent all their heart and soul working on.


It would be like the anime, where trainers from unova barely know of kanto except for its name.

Same with sinnoh-ers and hoenn.

It would be beautiful and amazing to watch a new trainer meet someone for the first time who they havn't seen over an all chat in the battle frontier.

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33766 Regional transition will start from Kanto and go from there


Kanto > Johto > Hoenn > Sinnoh > Unova > Kalos


Meaning that players will start from kanto by default and continue from that point onwards.


So the idea of being able to select the region of origin is one you guys, as the staff - do not like?

Because I can pretty much say quite a few people hoped for that when the started playing. We understand a BETA not giving it, but that - as an end tale option - would seem a bit rediculous not to implant.

some players might not ever reach the end at that rate.

I've already witnessed some players quitting the game because of the fact that they were unable to get their 'signature' pokemon.

"It's in johto!"

"Can you get it for me?"

"I can't give it to you until you get to johto."

"This is stupid."


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Also Nelth, you really need to work on replying to people in the tone of text that you type messages.

Absolute replies in a beta are something that need to be explained upon.

"There will be nothing like you suggest."

Why? Explain your thoughts and reasonings.

You are basically the PR department for THIS game, when new players come in - they see alot of you.

You give alot of face-time.

And it's a bit irksome because it's like some quiet teenager locked up in a room not truly talking to people. "It's this way because we say so."

Why is it this way,

Why is it not being explained more.

A BETA is all about communication with the community.

Even if someones suggestion is not correct or okay, you need to define your points and refine your analysis so new and old players will understand and connect.

"We play just to play." Won't always be the type of players you get.

It's not that hard to explain why in one message.

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Most of why I said that in that block of text is because I've taken Public Relation courses.

You can tell whose gone through them in regards to business (Which yes, those who run this game are basically now a business/team behind a game that created a revenue to run it.)


A Good PR specialist is someone who can give fluid answers with a nice amount of attitude to make them seem welcoming.

It's really about your tone when typing - borderline annoying usually is more inviting - than harsh and distant.


Lentz is really good at talking to people in a nice way, unless they get super annoying. Really nice skill with talking to others, explaining the reasons why a decision is made.

"We're differant people." You work for the same team.

"They are fine the way they are." - A player would say in defense of you.

To which I would reply- "What happens if one day they are dealing with 5k people on a daily basis?" "Do you really believe they will be able to handle that many individuals with pure definitive answers."

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Choosing regions will most likely not be implemented.

It is much easier when making quests and events if all players follow the same storyline.

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Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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