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to accelerate the animation / music making


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This post is half question half suggestion:

I'll start with question first:

If the sprites of the pokes were taken from the original game why not retake the attack animations and music (i mean ALL the music) ?

I just want to know :3


And whatever the answer to this question is, here my humble suggestion to accelerate the animation / music (even map) making of PRO:

Your actual system is to recruit people that are able to draw animations, or to make map, which is good because as they're strictly selected you can be pretty confident about the quality of their production.

BUT, there's one default imo: there is some people that are able (and that want) to draw good animations or to make good map but that are not willing to fill a full job of "artist", or "mapper", maybe because lack of time or because they don't want to have quotas and amount of work to do frequently.


[glow=red]read from here if lazy :p[/glow]

So my point is, what if you do like a kind of contest where you announce (maybe special topic in forum for that) something like: "we're searching for good animation for (let's say) the move "magical leaf", post your own creation and we'll take the best (or not if staff is not satisfied) :D !"

Like that people that are too lazy to assume a real function like mapper or artist but still would be glad to participate and help the game can try to participate the contest, and as a reward the winner is happy to have his animation in the game :).


Ofc this could work as well with maps and music, you just have to give the map editor to everyone (i don't see why it could hurt), and the format in which you want your music/animation to be made.


Thanks for reading :)

[glow=black]A limitless gratitude[/glow]

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This is not possible.


Due to leaks in the past, all content ataff have to sign non disclosure agreements and volounteer contracts (like any company would do), gicing up their right to distribute PRO created content anywhere but the correct place..


Everything currently requires some program created by Shane, and therefore covered by this agreement. This is why map recruits use Tiled to practice mapping on, rather than our own internal editor.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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