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s it even feasible to get flawless (or nearly) pokemon?


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Okay, let's first crunch some Reasonable statistics. Then maybe some Silly ones. Assuming you're using a Synchronise Pokémon and are also looking for the right nature:

  • 1 perfect IV: 1/64
    2 perfect IVs: 1/1,984. 1/59,520 If said IVs are in the places you want.
    3 perfect IVs: 1/61,504. 1/73,80,480 If said IVs are in the places you want.


So we can already see the chances of getting that is pretty crazy and anyone who wanted to force perfection beyond this is insane. But let's see where that insanity takes us, shall we?

  • 4 perfect IVs: 1/1,906,624. 1/686,384,640 If said IVs are in the places you want.
    5 perfect IVs: 1/59,105,344. 1/42,555,847,680 If said IVs are in the places you want.
    6 perfect IVs: 1/1,832,265,664.


So it seems the chances of finding a right natured 6IV pokémon are way, way lower than the odds of you winning the Euromillions lottery. Yet you think these numbers couldn't get any more crazy? I dunno. What's the chance of your Syncmon running into the PERFECT shiny pokémon. Oh, you know.. Just a measly 1/15,009,920,319,488 chance (1 in 15 trillion for those who think that's too many numbers.) Anyway that's enough number crunching for me. My head hurts at this point.

223743 It did didn't it hahaha. Almost 170 hours on the game and still no shiny for me i guess i just never get any love huh

..And here I am finding a shiny Ratatta when what I really wanted at the time was a Pidgeoto holding a Nocturnal Feather. Sorry for your luck :Shocked:

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228793 i saw this in red server long time ago



Shiny, correct ability, useful nature AND an almost perfect IV roll in a game where we can barely manipulate any of this? If you ever see that man/woman again tell them to either buy a few lottery tickers in hopes their luck still remains or wish them that their remaining luck allows them to at least survive long enough 'til the upcoming tragic accident balances the scales once more.

That **** dwarfs any luck I've ever had in Pokémon. How am I supposed to sleep tonight?

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