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Shane's Gaming Mouse Giveaway

Guest UnknownUser11

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I need mouse beacouse it's cool , but , i have mouse old 7 years , my mom and dad won't buy me another , i whant anoter beacouse this one is sometimes slow and somwtimes fast , the wheel [ in midle ] is broken to ! So , i would love if i could get this giveaway , i have never got any giveaway :') :thanks: :Grin: :Sing:

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IGN: kobra234

I want this mouse cause my mouse is so old and I can't afford myself any :/ This could be my only way to get it, so I would be very happy if I would win it :P Also it's very nice, and with it I can gonnacatchemall without any mouselags :D

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Username: Pedrorigo

When I saw that mouse was love at first sight, I fell in love with these symbol much like the mouse with a Noctowl to and imagined myself using it in my house, sliding down a rug and on top playing Pokemon Revolution Online. :Grin:

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reason why i need game mouse: I want it... XD but no i need it because i have had the same bum mouse for about 2 years now and gaming mouses are pretty expensive and i dont have the money to use on it even though i wish i did plus im a gamer that has recently got more into PC gaming and well im sick and tired of my stupid mouse dying when im in pixelmon when im chasing after my mons and i hate in PRO when im about to attack and it goes off screen.

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