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Shane's Gaming Mouse Giveaway

Guest UnknownUser11

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I saw light so i came in, is what i would say if i didnt care at all, which i do, Id love this mouse for a friend, he doesnt play pro because at the moment he cant afford paying for stuff like internet, but in his spare time he plays some offline games and he has a hard time with his laptop mousepad, or the 1 euro mouses that stop working after a week. This would mean a lot.

There is only one TRUTH /////////

We did not stop playing games because we aged, it is that we aged because we stopped playing games.[/quote2]
You made me what i am , now, i will show you how strong i have become.. Prepare yourself.[/quote3]
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Username - Minibro


Hey, I am in need of a new mouse. I've had my current mouse for about 4-5 years now and it doesn't really work properly anymore.

My mouse sometimes moves on its own, the paint is peeling off and the middle mouse button registers 2-4 presses every time I press it. Imagine trying to click open a link into a new tab and having it open 4 tabs instead.....

Anyways I hope you pick me and have a good one.

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My name is james im from Philippines and the reason why i want that gaming mouse is that its very cool, it would look great also on my gaming keyboard, my mouse is just a simple logitech normal mouse that doesent have those functions posted in the topic, im not much of a gadget person i didnt even know that i bought a gaming keyboard when a friend of mine droped by and told me it was so with that gaming mouse my gaming experience would be awesome, since its free i'll just give it a try, Thank you shane

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I knew pokemon since I was 8 years old, and became gamers till now 24 years old. But during that time, I've never had a special gaming mouse to fulfill my desire to play the game. With this contest, I hope PRO could realize my dream to own a gaming mouse and help me become a reliable trainer in blue server. Thank You :Shy:


IGN : vinstewart

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