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Yeah its me again. i just opened a thread 2 hours ago. Got cloesed even though my problem wasnt solved. I tried severeal times downloading reinstalling reopening. Restarting my Computer downloading it with and without virus scan. When ever i try to Log in doesnt matter which server i get instantly the messege Cannont Connect to Server i also tried waiting for 3 hours to see if it was a bug and hidden login queue but that wasnt so . So pls if anyone could help me i would really appreacite it , cuz im stuck with this problem for a week now

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  DubstepGoat said:
228237 Yeah its me again. i just opened a thread 2 hours ago. Got cloesed even though my problem wasnt solved. I tried severeal times downloading reinstalling reopening. Restarting my Computer downloading it with and without virus scan. When ever i try to Log in doesnt matter which server i get instantly the messege Cannont Connect to Server i also tried waiting for 3 hours to see if it was a bug and hidden login queue but that wasnt so . So pls if anyone could help me i would really appreacite it , cuz im stuck with this problem for a week now

Look at this guide. Make sure your internet connection is stable too.



Check out PRO's Official Discord:


  DubstepGoat said:
228266 That topic says only what i already did. My connection is stable i have no internet issues could it be sth else?

Are all of your drivers up to date? Maybe your network drivers need an update, troubleshoot problems with your connection too.


Check out PRO's Official Discord:


  DubstepGoat said:
228485 ok my problem was solved there was a bug in my update data there was a update even though "windows is up-date" was written i installed the update and now im in logging queue thanks for ur help!



Glad to hear it worked out. Enjoy your game!


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