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Fun game during loading screen


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Since the game has decided to fail on us for like forever, here's a cool thing to do while you're staring at a black screen waiting.


You can mess around with the 'loading map' bar and pretend the game has fully loaded only to find out it was just a visual bug.


Cheers :)

Check my Mall!
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229270 Since the game has decided to fail on us for like forever, here's a cool thing to do while you're staring at a black screen waiting.


You can mess around with the 'loading map' bar and pretend the game has fully loaded only to find out it was just a visual bug.


Cheers :)

bro is this for everyone? i just created a account just joined and its stuck on the loading screen all i hear is music is this happening to everyone? or am i doing something wrong plz reply and how dou customize ur profile and check notifications im like 10 mins new to this lol

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229457 bro is this for everyone? i just created a account just joined and its stuck on the loading screen all i hear is music is this happening to everyone? or am i doing something wrong plz reply

Yes there is an issue going on with the game at the moment, no ETA on when it will be fixed.

For now you can try the temporary fix to the issue: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=39247


Check out PRO's Official Discord:


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Had that problem yesterday. Let's just say I got a bit desperate trying to figure out what was causing it:


227889It was fine when I was playing last night yet now I can't get in no matter what I do.


Here's what I've tried:

Logging in normally (got stuck on the "Loading Map" screen and eventually Alt+F4'd.)

Logging in and waited out the "Loading Map" screen (eventually the music changed to the title screen music so I assume the game kicked me thinking I was AFK.)

Closed the client, disabled ethernet adapter, opened the client, re-enabled ethernet adapter, logged in (found that fix online, didn't work.)

Closed the client, disabled ethernet adapter, opened the client, got some breakfast, re-enabled ethernet adapter, logged in (heard some people need to wait a bit first. Still didn't work.)

Made a new account and logged in with that (still stuck on "Loading Map")

Deleted the game and replaced it with fresh files (PRO64_95_42) (here I was thinking the map problem was client-side. Still nothing.)

Deleted the game and replaced it with fresh 32-bit files (PRO32_95_42) (still not working.)

Deleted the local game files (ran Regedit, went to HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->PROTeam, backed it up, deleted the whole folder then ran the game. Didn't work.)

Deleted the local game files and logged in on the new account; waiting on the "Loading Map" screen AND IT EVENTUALLY WORKED EVEN IF I GOT KICKED OUT SECONDS LATER.

Logged back in normally. We're back in boys! :Smile: On Yellow server by the way.


Also jesus christ I started typing this when there were 9 replies to the thread. Now there's over 230.


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