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Quick question about servers


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Hi im new to pokemon pro and have some quick question what would be the better server to start the game ? i was leaning towards red even tho yellow seems to be the recommended one , i don't get everything about the game yet but i don't mind having to wait in queue before playing if it means i get more people to buy or sell stuff once i get to the end game , if someone could give their opinion i would i appreciate it.

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I'm pretty sure Red has the most registered users on it. Yellow was some issues. I personally play on Blue, and it's okay. Just a little bit of info.


Thanks to Shak404 for this amazing signature!

[glow=red]Come join the Pokemon Revolution Online IRC![/glow] https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.atomicedge.org/pro,pro-support


The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

-Albert Einstein

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