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I can't login my account


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i can't login my account , i thought someone is logining my account but it isnt . my account summary shows that LAST ACTIVE is

Aug 08 2016, 17:15 , but today is aug 10 .

Have you tried looking at this guide: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=31177

If you are seeing "User is already logged in" then you will have to wait for the next server crash/ reboot.


Check out PRO's Official Discord:


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235937 i can't login my account , i thought someone is logining my account but it isnt . my account summary shows that LAST ACTIVE is

Aug 08 2016, 17:15 , but today is aug 10 .

Hi there. Are you receiving a "User already logged in" message when you try to log into the game? If so, this is due to a server-side issue where the game continues to register your account session as active even after you've logged out. Rest assured nobody is logging into your account, however.


In cases like these, as the user above has said, you'll have to wait till the server is rebooted in order to play again. You can keep an eye on the server status here in the meantime.



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In the same boat as you are if you are getting "User Logged in". Still waiting patiently after 2 days but yup just gotta wait it out. I made another account for the opposite region for the mean time. Really hoping it reboots so I can get back to my main account though.

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